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Everything posted by palmettobug

  1. Dear M&G, you must have taken lessons from Fuzzy. She is going to find herself on the floor one day , which in her case, will last all of about 2 minutes, during which time she will find something to get into, and I will invite her back on the bed just to get her to stop.
  2. Ladies, it's in the . Grustoms must check every bag, box, bottle, bucket, envelope, and FIBC that comes in the house.
  3. I got a pack of them from Amazon, the spring on the clip of G's leash is sticky and I'm worried it'll go soon. Harbor Freight has a big selection, too.
  4. I'd say keep walking with the muzzle on. My boy G has pain issues surrounding his feet and legs, and his brother Roman tries to be the big dog. It's been a hard lesson to learn, and I'd rather have a stress free walk where I don't have to worry about being bitten because G got a sweet-gum ball in his foor (again) and R saw another dog he can't get to.
  5. Roman is a big tooter, a/c on high and a clothespin for your nose!
  6. Willa, you deserve a Skyline Chili when you go to Cincinnati.
  7. I think Richard waited until he knew Willa was home, and then made his exit. Glad to see she is up and about.
  8. Rachel, I want to thank you for sharing Doolin's experience--I recommended it to my friend with the nervous beagle and told her of your success. Her female beagle has been thunder-phobic from day one, she has tried multiple things with no long term results or with awful side effects. She is seeing a marked improvement w/the Happy Hoodie! So, fingers x'd this is the solution they've been looking for!
  9. cancer. That is all. Sending gentle whuffies and kitty biscuits your way.
  10. Oh, oh no, I am so sorry! I lost Johnny unexpectedly, too, suspicion is spleenic tumor. I think these guys are so stoic, so good at hiding things, that he did not show any signs and was ill and didn't want you to worry.
  11. Don't they all just love beating up Lambchop, no matter what his size!
  12. Aww, precious! I'll have to recommend that for my friend with the nervous beagle. And oh, look, Jimbo Scotty in another nervous boy... The Girl With The Dogs on YouTube uses that for her grooming clients.
  13. Fuzzy is a collector and chewer if I'm not careful with my things. However, I have only myself to blame for losing the remote, it's usually under my own butt.
  14. Veni, Vidi, Houndie! http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/67627
  15. I've heard of using catnip to help repel mosquitoes, but then you might get some cats following you around! (my gang were never big on the 'nip, celery leaves, stinky shoes, and Gold Bond were the faves) I believe in Country of the Pointed Firs (set in Maine!) they used a concoction of pennyroyal, but that can be toxic.
  16. LOL, someone on reddit just asked did any one else's grey eat spiders?? I don't mind them, as long as they are not black widows/brown recluse, and not on me/next to me
  17. If you need an alternative, the 2 Hounds Design Harness works well, and FreeToFeet is a collar maker out of Charlottesville, VA.
  18. G does take a very rare opportunity to sit on the couch (usually Fuzzy is up there), but he has discovered that the big bed is free after chew bones...
  19. Your attention, please, MH'ers! There has been a bear sighting already, stay safe and see you soon (and post pics if you got 'em!)
  20. Love the big brown tabbies, they are the best mousers (real and toy). Oh, and nice puppers too!
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