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Everything posted by Houndtime

  1. My boy does it too and it drives me crazy. I've had him to the vet and it is possibly the start of arthritis.
  2. Happiest of birthdays to roo from Flying Odin in lower Delaware. I think I love you!
  3. I am very sorry for your loss.
  4. It's always amazing to me how these dogs just adapt and settle in. Congratulations on the new "foster". Also, a very unique name.
  5. I prepare two heaping tablespoons in a cup and 1/2 of water in the microwave for 90 seconds. I get about a full margarine sized container once it is hydrated. That lasts about 3 to 4 days giving a heaping tablespoon full with each meal. I have been using the carrots for about two years. There is no reason to stop. He eats them well and he has "perfect" poop. Your boy is still very new and getting used to things. He will come around, for sure. Congratulations.
  6. Susie or Suzie. She was lead around in a wagon and made appearances like a celebrity. Dick and Nancy Waddell were the owners. I hope I got everyone's name correctly.
  7. I was afraid that it was too hard and didn't use the one we got for a gift.
  8. Odin doesn't show it so much in the winter, but, in the summer, he gets very hot. If I walk him on a summer's day, when we get back home, he huffs and puff for a half hour. I really mean puffs. He blows out his cheeks and takes deep breaths to bring himself around. It is a little scary. He seems to be in his element in the cold weather. He loves snow and could walk in the rain until he is soaked and it doesn't bother him. Picture of our handsome boy.
  9. I use the duck tape method and I have been told (and believe) that it has to be original brand Duck tape. I tape a small piece over the corn for as long as it takes to soften the corn. Mostly the tape stays on by itself for a few days and then needs to be replaced. Once the corn has softened sufficiently, I pluck it out. The procedure lasts for a while and then the corn is back. But, I can deal with it. Once at a local vet, they handed me an estimate for corn removal of over $100. I went to the FB page on greyhounds with corns and was advised not to do it. I was told it was a waste of time and money.
  10. Get a muzzle with a poop guard and if you see your dog approaching a pile say, NO! Shine was a poop eater when we first adopted her. She was taught not to do it and she didn't after a while. Be diligent. Don't leave the poop. Go out and pick it up immediately so there is no chance of dietary indiscretion.
  11. Pat, I am so sad and sorry to read this. I did not know that he had passed.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. I've had the same problem.
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