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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. A couple of questions: Where exactly are you located? There are a few knowledgeable folks on the forum who might be able to recommend some good behaviorists, but they'll probably be primarily US-based and I suspect you're not by the "neighbour" and "behaviour" spellings. @NeylasMom@greysmom Is Finn food-motivated at all? Sophia Yin has some older but helpful YouTube videos about leash reactive dogs like this one and this one. I used the "look at me" command to train Sweep mostly out of her leash reactivity, but that girl would do just about anything for food, which helps a lot! Searching "leash reactive" or even "lunging" on the forum should yield some helpful posts. This is trainable—thank you for sticking with him!
  2. Aww, that was Sweep. Never burned a calorie walking that girl!
  3. Doolin Dilly Dally sounds much nicer than the Dammit Doolin.
  4. Just delete "and lie down" and you've got Doolin aka Dootunia. @Time4ANap
  5. Be careful, Ellen's been known to send them to unsuspecting Greytalk friends...
  6. A beautiful tribute to the best boy. He is so missed.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know Taylor was there to greet him and talk about how lucky they were to have landed with you. Rest well, Jagger.
  8. He's gorgeous and sounds like the perfect fit. Congrats!
  9. Okay, thanks! He had his second round of Drontal on the 1st. Recheck at the end of the month.
  10. Are alien creature belly noises the sound of hookworms dying? (Please say yes!) He's acting fine—super playful this morning, in fact, and already had an excellent poop. But wow, I have never heard these stomach noises from hound nor human before. Gave him a Pepcid just in case.
  11. Very appropriate for when he statues on walks. (Which is often these days.)
  12. Healthy Paws (which I know you have too) covered all six chemo treatments for Sweep with no issues. But she had three of doxorubicin and three of carboplatin, since we started chemo before we knew for sure what cancer we were dealing with. I think our oncologist typically does 5 total for carboplatin. Hugs for all of you as Revna starts her next chapter; I know how hard that must be. But it will be so rewarding when she's matched with someone. You're making such a positive difference in people's lives.
  13. Excellent! I think we have sufficiently shamed him now.
  14. One more and he'll have a song for every day of the week! Who's got one?
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