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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Stealing this word. And it's my favorite greyhound noise.
  2. We're gonna need video! Willa is a gentle snorer too. And a barker. And a heeeener. She gets that last one from her brother, who won't let me go upstairs without the most baleful of whines. Off-topic: How is Milo today?
  3. If Willa and Annie ever meet, we'll all go barefoot. @FiveRoooooers Again I say, good thing she's cute.
  4. Poor Ellen. Poor Milo. I hope this is "all" it was and he'll be back to his Milo ways posthaste.
  5. Yes, as Jan said, it will get better! We adopted Doolin in late June and observed the same pattern. He was fantastic at walking for the first few weeks and then started freezing quite badly. We took a break from walks for a couple of weeks, and verrry slowly we made progress and were able to get him moving again. Your girl was probably operating on autopilot for the first few days/weeks (the "honeymoon period") and is now coming to terms with the big, scary world and her new reality. Do you have a fenced area where she can do her business? If not, one other thing that worked with Doolin was putting him in the car and driving a short distance away to walk him. It seemed like he was freaked out about our immediate neighborhood, but he'd walk elsewhere happily. I also suggest getting a harness if you don't have one, as it's much less likely to cause injury than a lead+martingale if you have to pull her gently. You don't say how long you've had your girl, but the general rule is that 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months are all milestones for a dog settling in, and I'd say that's been pretty accurate for us. We're just getting to the 3 month mark now, and Doolin is back to walking well. Of course I must admit that the thing that has worked best to boost his confidence is adopting his sister, but he was making steady gains even before that. Hang in there!
  6. If you want another product for sensitive stomachs, Blue Buffalo has a non-prescription "Blissful Belly" line that has been a lifesaver for my cat with IBD, though I don't have any experience with the dog version. Pro Plan also has both Complete Essentials and Sensitive Skin and Stomach canned food. It's probably the novelty of the canned food that appeals to him most—I'm betting he won't be picky!
  7. If everything's normal digestively, he might just be tired of it. Also could be a slight formula change, but you'd have to contact Purina to find out. You could buy a 5 lb bag of something else in the Pro Plan line and see if that helps and if he tolerates it well. Doolin has been eating the same thing as your boy, though never very enthusiastically, and I just started mixing it with the Pro Plan Salmon and Rice and he seems to be enjoying it more. Worth a shot!
  8. You nailed it. This girl is a hoot. I was preparing their breakfast this morning when I noticed the TV had come on. Found the remote in her bed. Not nibbled, just hoarded. Doolin is just all sweetness, not a drop of mischief. Thank you! We are still adjusting and have moments of "this is a lot!" (with two resident cats and two squatter cats), but I have to say they are pretty great. And they love each other so much.
  9. We have had luck with plain chicken breast and oatmeal prepared with coconut water, plus a spoonful of Olewo carrots. If that doesn't work, I would think a short course of metronidazole is in order. Get well soon, Odin!
  10. What a happy boy! The hedgehog was Sweep's absolute favorite (I just threw out 3 or 4 de-grunted ones yesterday when culling the toy basket for the young'ns), but Lambchop was a close second. Lambchop lost her ears early on in an unfortunate zoomie accident.
  11. Doolin and Willa channeling their Aunt Sweep. (The vet tells us Doolin has a perfect bite, meaning his upper and lower teeth meet exactly, as opposed to the slight overbite that's ideal. With his constant chattering, he's wearing down the bottom teeth a bit. Who knew?!)
  12. Miss Willa is certainly providing plenty of entertainment...today we have found a paperback, a wooden coaster, and my socks in her crate. The paperback must have been especially tasty; it now has a window in the cover. The Nylabone? Remains untouched.
  13. How cool is that?! Well done to you both!
  14. Happy gotcha #4, girls! You're doing a great job keeping your momma sane in #thesetryingtimes. Hope you get a fun celebration with zero fireworks!
  15. So you're telling me this circling like sharks should settle down? #newtotwo
  16. This is a great observation. I agree with the comment that it's a disservice to dog and owner both when the owner is staring at a phone their entire walk. Also: you can't tease us with video evidence of Apollo's sliding stop and not share it!
  17. I'm so sad to see this update, but what a great age and a wonderful life Peggy had with you. I loved the beautiful photos of your walks together over the years. She had the loveliest frosted face and the best ears. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Rest well, Peggy.
  18. She was treated yesterday too. (Sorry, I see how "emotional support sister" might have sounded like she was just along for the ride. I just meant that she's an outgoing sort that has already boosted his confidence quite a bit.) Given that she came from exactly the same kennel and track, our vet didn't see any point in waiting, though we did have a fecal done yesterday to get her baseline. They are both still doing great, thank you! Doolin ate his dinner late, as predicted, and they both ate their breakfast, played outside, and went for morning walkies. <Warning: poop talk ahead> The only thing we have noticed is that last night their poop was slightly darker and extra stinky. Back to normal today. It has surprised me that both of them have had mostly solid output despite the hooks. I will consider myself lucky! Willa this morning. I told Miss Jan I think she might have a touch of the mayhem.
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