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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. Here? Cristina Iazbik, DVM Managing Director Animal Blood Bank Phone: (614) 688-8460
  2. Does anyone know if OSU is still offering free chemo?
  3. Per Taylor's oncologist late today: The results of the cytology confirmed a sarcoma, most likely osteosarcoma as there was faint ALP staining of the cells. We are discussing treatment options.
  4. Just got an email from Taylor's oncologist: I received the radiology report on Taylor's chest radiographs and there was no evidence of nodules (metastasis). His heart and lungs looked otherwise normal (normal aging changes). Please let me know if you have any questions. I am expecting the cytology back by tomorrow or Wednesday and will call you when I have it. YAYYYYYY....so far. Just waiting for bone biopsy results.
  5. Testing procedures went well. Blood work is fine. Chest x-rays don't show anything unusual, and will be sent to a radiologist for review. The doctor was able to get cells that he needed with the fine needle biopsy and I should have the results on Monday or Tuesday. Taylor did just fine. He napped for the 20 minute ride home and then happily gobbled down dinner, went out to poop in the back yard and then ran across the yard to come back in. After 10 minutes of bully stick chewing time, he is having his usual after dinner nap. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
  6. Normal after-breakfast nap time here for Taylor. He is showing no signs of any type of discomfort. He's a very happy boy. The fine needle biopsy and chest x-rays are being done this afternoon at 2:00, and I should have results back early next week.
  7. Taylor's racing name was Taylor. DOB: 12/11/08 Right ear: 128H Left ear: 49193
  8. Face "twerks". He will walk right up to me.....walk between my legs.....stop when just the last foot of him is sticking out in front of me, and when I start rubbing his butt, he starts "twerking around" and air snapping. He does it ALL the time.
  9. I will be continuing Taylor on Previcox 227, once a day. It's an anti-inflammatory/pain medication. My vet sold me a week's worth for $4.12 per pill, plus a $3.00 dispensing fee. Any suggestions for a mail order supplier for this item ? I see Drs. Foster/Smith is the cheapest at $2.89 a pill.
  10. Taylor is doing fine. Acting like he has from day one 3 years ago. We met with the oncologist this afternoon. Excellent experience. Knows about greyhounds.Based on the x-rays, and the breed, it could very well be osteosarcoma. Doing a fine needle aspirate and x-rays Friday afternoon, and I should have the results next week, and then we can better plan treatment. I made it very clear that I want Taylor to stay comfortable as long as we can manage that. Whatever that takes. Right now, both he and Face are digesting dinner, upside-down, as usual.
  11. Taylor will be seeing a local, highly respected animal oncologist this coming Wednesday at 2:40 PM. That doctor will have the x-rays that were done 1/10, all the reports, and my vet's doctor notes. In this initial office visit, taking around an hour, this specialist will discuss further testing, such as a fine needle biopsy to check for cancer cells, chest x-rays, blood work, etc. And at some point we will go over the options for treatment, if needed. In the meantime, Taylor is feeling fine. Eating and sleeping and peeing and pooping, 3 rides/walks so far today, and no signs of pain. Hardly even a limp. He's a happy boy. So is Face.
  12. I will when I wake him up. He rampaged around the house, as usual, when I came home from the beach. Stomping on toys. Helicopter tail. Normal. It was time for dinner. Gulped it down. Let them out to pee and poop. He ran across the yard. After they each chewed bully sticks for 10 minutes, they were both sound asleep in 1 minute for their 2 hour after-dinner nap.
  13. I was copied with my vet's radiologist report today: Highly suspect aggressive permeative-type lysis in the distal metaphyseal region of the right radius. A primary bone tumor such as an osteosarcoma is extremely likely. I do not see any other significant abnormalities. Radiographs of the thorax are recommended to rule out metastatic lung disease. If negative, biopsy of the area of the distal right radius is recommended. I also heard back from Dr. Couto this morning: unfortunately the lesion in the right distal radius (wrist-bone) is highly suggestive of a primary bone tumor. There is marked lysis (destruction) and minimal proliferation, both characteristic of bone tumors in Greyhounds. However, there is a small probability that it may be an inflammatory lesion (osteomyelitis). Where do you folks live? (some fungal diseases are geographically located) Did they do lab work? Do you know of his prescapular and axillary lymph nodes were normal on the physical? A fine needle aspirate (see brochure) should be able to give us a definitive answer. I will discuss these findings with my vet in the morning. My plan is to have a local animal oncologist take over Taylor's care. In the meantime, he had his Previcox anti-inflammatory pill after breakfast and he seems to be tolerating it. He's been trotting around the house and the back yard. Eating and sleeping and peeing and pooping like normal. Two rides/walks and happily walking. Hardly even a limp at all. He's a happy boy.
  14. The vet this morning said he figured the cells were in the lungs, but probably not doing anything yet. I will be seeing a second, possibly third opinion. Have to find out if it's spread, and then understand the options.. Taylor was running around the back yard this morning, and walked twice. He's been eating and sleeping and peeing and pooping OK. I think the discomfort he has right now is due to the exam and x-rays, and he is sleeping comfortably now. I already had a friend's vet look at the x-rays. That vet felt it looks very small, was caught EARLY, and he does NOT discount amputation, especially since this is a healthy, fairly young dog.
  15. I have just sent the x-rays off to Dr. Couto. There is a local animal oncologist who I will call Monday morning. Any suggestions on what to do or give for his limping. He wasn't holding his paw up before the vet visit, but I am sure he was twisted around for the exam and x-ray. He is holding it since we got home, but he did go out and pee and is sleeping quietly. I was given a 1 week supply of an anti-inflammatory. Previvox 227MG to be taken once a day with food. I don't know how he will tolerate it. 2 years ago, he had Rimadyl and threw up late that night. Instead of giving it to him with dinner today at 4:00, and risk him getting sick in the middle of the night, I think I will give him the Previcox with breakfast at 7:00 AM on Sunday.
  16. Taylor (male, 87 pounds, just turned 6 and came to me just 3 years ago) started limping around 2 weeks ago. Normal walk was OK. Faster walk showed a bit of a limp. When he got up this past Wednesday after his afternoon nap, asking for dinner at 4:00, he was holding up his front right leg. He walked around a minute or so like that. Has still been favoring his front right leg, but he still has wanted to walk, jumps in and out of the Tuscon a half a dozen times a day, and even runs across the yard. Took him to the vet this morning. He whined a little when the vet turned his right wrist down. Vet felt a little swelling. X-ray this morning: shows a mottled area just above his right wrist. He feels it is osteosarcoma. The x-rays were sent out electronically to VitalRads in TX, and if it was a weekday, my vet would have had the results back in 2-3 hours, but now it will wait till Monday. My vet said the cancer cells are probably already in the lungs, which is where he said it goes, but may not be doing anything yet. My vet felt that amputation was not a good idea. He felt that would just speed up the process. He said maybe I should consider chemo and radiation to give Taylor some more time, and as far as time, he said in any event it would only be a year. Maybe less. I was emailed the x-rays. I would like to send them to Dr. Couto right now. ****Can anyone tell me what the turnaround time is for getting information back from Dr. Couto?**** There is also an animal oncologist here in Melbourne, FL, who might be able to suggest possible forms of treatment. Unfortunately, I was told there is no one around here who does chemo/radiation. South Florida can do it, but that's almost 3 hours away. They do it in Tampa, around an hour and a half to the west, maybe Orlando. These are all things I have to figure out. I feel shattered. Taylor is my life.
  17. Taylor (male, 87 pounds, just turned 6 and came to me just 3 years ago) started limping around 2 weeks ago. Normal walk was OK. Faster walk showed a bit of a limp. When he got up this past Wednesday after his afternoon nap, asking for dinner at 4:00, he was holding up his front right leg. He walked around a minute or so like that. Has still been favoring his front right leg, but he still has wanted to walk, jumps in and out of the Tuscon a half a dozen times a day, and even runs across the yard. Took him to the vet this morning. He whined a little when the vet turned his right wrist down. Vet felt a little swelling. X-ray this morning: shows a mottled area just above his right wrist. He feels it is osteosarcoma. The x-rays were sent out electronically to VitalRads in TX, and if it was a weekday, my vet would have had the results back in 2-3 hours, but now it will wait till Monday. My vet said the cancer cells are probably already in the lungs, which is where he said it goes, but may not be doing anything yet. My vet felt that amputation was not a good idea. He felt that would just speed up the process. He said maybe I should consider chemo and radiation to give Taylor some more time, and as far as time, he said in any event it would only be a year. Maybe less. I was emailed the x-rays. I would like to send them to Dr. Couto right now. ****Can anyone tell me what the turnaround time is for getting information back from Dr. Couto?**** There is also an animal oncologist here in Melbourne, FL, who might be able to suggest possible forms of treatment. Unfortunately, I was told there is no one around here who does chemo/radiation. South Florida can do it, but that's almost 3 hours away. They do it in Tampa, around an hour and a half to the west, maybe Orlando. These are all things I have to figure out. I feel shattered. Taylor is my life.
  18. I put some of this down around 3 weeks ago, on a muddy area, and it's working quite well and staying in place. http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/tractor-supply-coreg%3B-fine-premium-pine-shavings-covers-55-cu-ft
  19. So very sorry for your loss
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