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Everything posted by spottydog

  1. We, too just went through this with our non-grey; the pneumonia, the enlarged spleen. You did right by your boy. He left bathed in your love.
  2. I’ve seen a lot of ETS, but this one is truly exceptional! Oh, Punkin, you win..
  3. Thanks for sharing your beautiful memories of Sweep…
  4. Oakley recently turned 8! And for her birthday, the universe gave her a very painful corn on one of her rear paw middle toes. So far, I am using Pam’s duct tape process to coax the corn out, and she wears a boot to get around, otherwise she would be “tripodding”. I haven’t attempted to soak it yet, what do y’all suggest for a soaking liquid?
  5. Happy birthday pretty girl! Looking good!! What’s your secret?
  6. Poor girlie… Hope she’s feeling better now that all those bothersome teeth are gone.
  7. Don’t move…unless you are willing to undergo a knee operation…
  8. A beautiful tribute. Lucas, a true gentleman hound.
  9. Ripped! Gorgeous hunk o’ hound!
  10. Happy gotcha day, Facebook! Quite the milestone!
  11. Happy Easter and Passover to all our Greytalk community!
  12. Love it! Oakley chatters quite softly now and then.
  13. So sorry your handsome big boy had leave you. He knew he was loved.
  14. A nose would be turned up at a carrot in this household and never get near the mouth…
  15. Wild times at the house of Mayhem! Happy belated birthday to both of your girls…
  16. Can’t believe what I am seeing. Godspeed Hada Parsnip.
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