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Everything posted by nancy14

  1. Denise, this is just so sad. I'm thinking about you.
  2. Denise, I just saw this. I am so sorry. Prayers that Warlock is able to bounce back.
  3. A wonderful story. Every girl dog should have the opportunity to live with two boy dogs to boss around....and, I'm sure she will.
  4. I lost my first grey to osteo too. It is so sad. There has to be a cure soon for this awful disease. Your Van was a beautiful boy. I love the pictures.
  5. Cully, I don't check this topic often. It is upsetting, so I am just seeing this. What a beautiful boy your JoJo was. Memories are sometimes hard, but thank goodness you have them.
  6. Thinking positive thoughts for you and your boy.....
  7. I'll be thinking about you Denise. I hope you have positive news about your boy. It's been a rough year for you.
  8. She is a beauty. Looks like she is fitting right in.
  9. I am very sorry for the loss of your cherished little girl.
  10. I am very sorry for your loss. I have no words.
  11. I am so sorry that you lost your sweet guy.
  12. I am so very sorry for the loss of your very handsome Quiet Man.
  13. I am so sorry. You did nothing wrong. It's the cancer that is wrong. I hate cancer.
  14. See, sometimes there is good news.... So glad!
  15. Hi...We live in Wisconsin, but we used to live in McAfee, which isn't too far fron you. Hope you are able to find a greyhound buddy.
  16. Fingers crossed in prayer position here for both you and Gracie. I know this is scary.
  17. I'm glad she is doing this good. Each day will be better.
  18. My first grey - KC - was on thyroid meds. I didn't notice gas, but she grey lots of hair on her butt.
  19. Congratulations. She is a very pretty girl, and I really like her name.
  20. I don't understand why you won't take her to the vet!
  21. I am so sorry for your loss of Merlin...
  22. nancy14


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  23. Robin, I am so sorry. 2009 hasn't been a very good year for you. I know you will miss your girl.
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