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Everything posted by nancy14

  1. Last Friday I was off from work and took the three dogs to the dog park. We were the only ones there. June was doing zoomies and having a good time when I heard a yelp. She limped back to me. She was not stepping on her rear right foot. I called the vet immediately. He said that nothing was broken and that it appeared to be a soft tissue injury. (It's the bone on the bottom that he said would be a human's ankle.) He gave me Rimydal and said he would call me this week, although I haven't heard from him yet. June is happy -- playing with toys and throwing around her chew bones -- but she is still limping. I don't know if it's wishful thinking or not, but I think she is putting a little more weight on it, but not a lot -- or maybe not. My question is. Has anyone else experienced this type of injury and how long does it take before she will be normal? It breaks my heart to see her try to be normal -- and all because I wanted the dogs to have fun.
  2. Beautiful, beautiful boy. Congratulations.
  3. I am so sorry. I remember when you adopted him. Was't he from Geneva Lakes?
  4. A friend's niece recently adopted a six year old female greyhound. She is a super dog, but three days after she was adopted a neighbor's dog pinned her to the ground while they were out walking and grabbed her throat. The skin wasn't broken, thank goodness. Since then she is terrified of dogs. As soon as she sees another dog or even hears one she refuses to continue to walk. She's to the point where as soon as she sees the leash, she runs to her crate. Any suggestions on how to reassure this new girl. Treats don't work. I've never experienced this, so I didn't have any constructive ideas. Thanks.
  5. I'll be thinking about Darcy all day. I hope she's okay.
  6. Just thinking about you guys and Rainey. We say prayers in our house and Rainey has been added to the list. Hope that the big P happens soon.
  7. Kim, I'm so glad she's home. It's a constant worry, but the vet wouldn't have let her come home if he didn't feel she was going to be okay. Hope you are okay, too! Good luck with your surgery.
  8. Sarah, this is awful. I hope Fast will be okay. I can't believe how some people have no respect for the law. I'll be thinking about Fast.
  9. Kim, I just saw this. I'll be saying some prayers for Rainey. I hope everything passes so she doesn't have to have surgery......
  10. I used Artemisinin for Major Turn. His cancer was very aggressive, so it didn't have much affect. I do believe in it, though. If you e-mail Dr. Couto, I am sure he will tell you the dosage to use. He answers all of his e-mails.
  11. Awesome! Your June Bug is gorgeous too! Mine's kennel name was June, (apparently after June Carter Cash, since she had a litter mate named Johnny Cash.) She responds well to it, so we decided to keep it. We added the "bug" part because she's a big roacher! Also, we got her June 1st, my DBF's birthday is in June (she's his b-day present), and he's a big Johnny Cash fan I'm definitely planning on hitting up some Chicago events with her, so hopefully our two bugs can meet up! June Bug was my girl's kennel name as well. She raced 99 races as Starring Role. June raced the last day of racing at Geneva Lakes in the 15th race. We brought her home shortly after that. She is a joy. I usually keep their kennel names because they respond to them so well. Your little bug is cute too!
  12. Welcome....I also have a June Bug. We have had June for 4 1/2 years. She will be 9 on July 6th. And, she is a clown. Hope to see you at one of the local events -- either Chicago area or Milwaukee -- so our "bugs" can meet. This is my June Bug.
  13. Cully, I just saw this. I am very sorry.
  14. Waiting for a positive update. Prayers from Wisconsin for you and your girl.
  15. Welcome from Wisconsin - Born and raised in New Jersey - Lakewood and then Glenwood (way up north).
  16. nancy14

    My puppies

  17. Great pictures. I love the red brindles. My first grey, KC, was a red brind. I hope your daughter is over the fact that she didn't get a sheperd.
  18. Mary, Freddie has always been my favorite Greytalk dog. He still is.
  19. I am so sorry that Star has to go through this. I'll keep you and Star in my thoughts.
  20. I'm glad to hear that it is over and your baby is doing fine.
  21. We went through this with our second grey, Barko. He had surgury at the UW Madison, Wisconsin. He came through it just fine. He was 8 or 9 at the time. I'll be thinking about your baby.
  22. I am so sorry to hear about Warlock. May he run free with the wind, pain free and happy. I do believe that Dodger was sent to you for a reason. I'm glad to hear that he is carrying on.
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