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Everything posted by nancy14

  1. I am so sorry to read this. I know how much you will miss Star. Cancer needs to be stopped.
  2. I am so sorry to read this, and I don't know how you say goodbye. I think it's just see you later. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  3. When are you planning to move to the frozen tundra???
  4. Sending hope and prayers that your boy is okay. Sorry he has to be put under, but they will get better pictures that way.
  5. We are sorry that your beautiful boy is gone. Rest in Peace, sweet boy.
  6. I can 't believe I am just seeing this.... So glad that Sparks seems better. Has he adjusted to the crib mattress? I've often wondered if it would make a good dog bed. Note: It's snowing here. I think it's coming your way......
  7. I live in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, which is way south of where you want to be in Port Washington. Elkhorn has a three dog limit. Burlington, which is 8 miles from us has no limit, so every town is different. You might want to contact someone with RGA - Retired Greyhound Athletes.org. They are located just north of Port Washington, and I am sure they will have answers for you. Gpawisconsin.org is also a good site. They do statewide adoptions. Good luck.
  8. Denise, where are you? Haven't heard from you in ages.

    Hope everything is okay.


  9. Great news, Kari. If you could get him to drink Ensure that would sure help....along with some junk food of course.
  10. Kari, I'm sorry to hear this. Sending good thoughts to both you and Sparks. How old is Sparks, and how long have you had him?
  11. This is so sad. If they could only stay young......I am sorry.
  12. June Bug seems to be doing well. She can get to the door faster than Carla even though she is using only three legs. She came home with purple wrapping on her leg with halloween stickers. I will take a picture. She sleeps a lot, but I'm sure it's because of the meds. Everything else is functioning normally. She has a bandage change scheduled for Friday. Thanks for asking.
  13. I'll be thinking abour Orla tomorrow, She'll feel much better in a another week.
  14. I am so glad that Deenie has turned the corner and is home. She'll do better at home and be more content.
  15. He looks like a different dog, and he's very handsome too.
  16. No suggestions. Just sending good thoughts to you and Aggie.
  17. So nice to hear a positive update. Continued prayers from here.
  18. Prayers for you and your baby. I hope you see a positive sign soon.
  19. I just had a phone call from the surgeon. She said that the BUN in June's blood work was high and they want to retest first thing in the morning. I have no idea what that means, but it looks like her kidneys may not be functioning properly or it could just mean that she didn't drink enough water.........I really hope it's the water.
  20. Update: 5:30 p.m. June is just out of surgery. The vet said her tendon was a mess. She explained that the tendon is like string cheese. Three of the "strings" were not attached, but one was. She said she is cautiously optomistic that it will heal properly. June is in intensive care tonight. She should come home tomorrow later in the day, and she goes back in a week. Can't wait to get my girl home. Carla and Skorch looked at me like I did something wrong when I came home without her this morning. Thanks everyone for your prayers and good wishes. ---------------------------- Almost three weeks ago June Bug was doing zoomies at the dog park when she yelped and limped back to me. The vet said nothing was broken and felt it was a soft tissue injury. After xrays and a lot of patience, June went to a specialist in Waukesha this morning. She has a torn achilles and will have surgery tomorrow. Recuperation is expected to be six weeks. Please say a little prayer for my sweet little girl. This is just killing me. We never should have gone to the dog park. I never dreamed this would happen
  21. Good news, and happy birthday to a very sweet girl. Prayers are still coming for good results on the spinal tap.
  22. Claudia, I am sorry to hear this. My prayer list is getting longer. Big for Ekko and you.
  23. Hoping that Rainey can come home for her birthday. Whatever you decide about the MRI will be the right decision. Just want you to know that we're thinking about you and Rainey.
  24. I'm sorry, Laurie. Rhemus sure was a handsome guy. It's hard.
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