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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I picked up a bounce (due to SA) last night. She refused to crate in her previous home but she's been crated at the clinic for the last week so I crated her when I left for work. Passion is crated next to her for moral support. I don't usually crate Passion I also picked up a fresh off the track young male. He's crated in my bedroom with Diamond who isn't crated. Should be interesting to see if both crates are intact when I get home from work. I'm going to start giving melatonin to the foster with SA per my vet. I didn't have time to do alone training so no advice other than cross your fingers
  2. Sparks got a script when he was dx's with osteo but never used much sent I sent him to the bridge a week later. I used to take it and loved it
  3. I bought one for Lucky who freaks out from fireworks and gun shots. The problem is, I never know when either will happen.
  4. I'm sorry E. Glad I got to see her last weekend at Greyfest.
  5. Passion is my digger. Sparks loved to dig as well. Lucky and Diamond do not dig. I make Passion stop since I don't want the holes for them to get hurt in running around.
  6. Nancy, I'm so sorry for your loss
  7. I give Lucky and Diamond melatonin- they are blowing their coats like crazy. Never had that happen pre-melatonin. They do have really soft fur though
  8. E- if you do the US, bring a blanket for her so they can pad the thing they lay her in. She will be on her back.
  9. Wendie- I think it also depends on the age.... Sparks was 12, I was all set to do the surgery to remove his spleen but after the US, we found that he just had an enlarged spleen and didn't need to remove it. That being said, I wanted to do the surgery even though in my heart with him being 12, it would not have been the right choice.
  10. Wonder


    Petra I'm so sorry The pictures you posted are breathtaking I could read the pain in your words We never have them long enough
  11. I get it for 45 cents a lb but it does nothing for teeth. Lucky loves it but it smells so awful!
  12. I used to buy it but now I just use Ivermectin which is cheaper for a herd o' hounds.
  13. I thought for sure the therapaw would be in shreds when I got home from work but I don't think he touched it. I want to check his foot but am going to wait until tomorrow and add more antibiotic ointment Thanks for the help last night
  14. I noticed Lucky limping the other day and last night he wasn't using his rear, leg. After a mini melt down (thinking it's cancer) I checked his foot. The pad was half gone. I remembered that he was tearing around the yard 2 days ago so he must have ripped the pad on the patio bricks or the wood chips. I called Batmom from work (can't get on GT at work) to see what I should do. Got great advice Here's his bandaged foot. He's not thrilled about it I'm not even gonna look at you for doing this to my poor foot! I'm just gonna lay here and feel sorry for myself sigh- could sure use some treats!
  15. I can't believe it's been so long already
  16. She has not eaten today, ate last night She's only pooping a tiny bit. She's straining to go She's going to give her some pumpkin tonight and a little epsome salt to see if that gets things moving
  17. My co-workers tzu is constipated. I did a search here and found some ideas but not sure how much to tell her to give. She's about 10lbs and hasn't had a normal poop for 2 days. Which should she try first: pumpkin, epsome salt, oatmeal or applesauce? How much pumkpin? How much epsome salt? How much oatmeal? How much applesauce? Which of the above would work right away? Thanks
  18. I know I read here that some people get glucosamine from Costco so when I was there today getting allergy meds, I passed the bottle and almost bought it. But then saw there were 2 types (now I can't recall what they were). I did a search but couldn't find the thread. Which bottle do you get? Thanks edited to add: The bottles were the Kirkland brand but not plain glucosame.
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