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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Congrats!! Looking forward to meeting her and watching her grow up
  2. I was feeding Sparks raw and bought 200 lbs of ground turkey and 50 lbs of tripe for $85 total. He only ate a little of it and now I have about 225 lbs of meat left
  3. They decied her teeth weren't that bad so didn't put her under, just scaled them. She was happy to see me when I picked her up and I was able to take her to a M&G last night Thanks for all the good thoughts. I'm such a worry wart
  4. I brought Havana in Tuesday after work for a check up (she's a two-time bounce and my foster). They did blood work and I wanted them to test for valley fever since she had been in AZ before being flown back to MN last month. She's lost 3 lbs since May of last year She needs a dental which will be today I have her at work with me until I go drop her off. She's being a very good girl. Good thoughts for my sweet, little foster girly today please
  5. Jen Sparks birthday is in 2 weeks. And my dad's is next week
  6. Check with OSU and Dr Couto I just went though this and it sucked
  7. Honestly trying not to think about it. I went on a date last night and was able to tell the guy about Sparks without bursting into tears so that's a positive
  8. I'm so sorry to see this Gil. I too was following on FB and am so sad for you.
  9. Happy Birthday to you both Are you going to Bluegrass this year?
  10. Jen I took the pups on a group walk today. One of the people there is someone I first met when I joined the group. She gave me a hug and I started tearing up. Both her orig hounds are gone as well. I said I think all the orig hounds that I met when I joined are now gone Last night at work I started tearing up. A lady was loving on Lucky and Pumpkin and it was just so sweet- I teared up for some reason. It's strange how our emotions work
  11. Way to go Lucy Roaching and wanting to go for walkies Got a sympathy card yesterday from the vet (not my reg vet) who dx'd Sparks Got the card from my vet today I just made a baked potato. The last time I made one (last week), I shared it with Sparks i keep tearing up but not breaking down. Is that normal? I have to work my other job tonight- they don't know about Sparks yet. I don't want to tell anyone-what if I break down at work? crap that would suck
  12. I use ivermectin every month
  13. That made me smile! Glad she's doing great.
  14. I'm sorry for all your recent losses
  15. Thanks. We have girl scout cookies here and I can't stop eating them I've gained about 10 lbs since Oct
  16. Yes, it's just a dull headache now. Thanks! I was doing so good not crying. Co-workers each brought me a card, I teared up but didn't cry. They are awesome! Then I had to write his memorial for my group- I lost it. Doing the rememberance thread for GT will be worse. Waiting until this afternoon to try to tackle that.
  17. Thank you all. Being single, I do everything alone, it doesn't phase me. Back in Oct when this all started, I told my mom there's no way I'll be able to bring Sparks alone to the vet. But I did it. I didn't cry until I had to sign the paperwork. One of my friends got off work early and met me there. My vets wife was also there so I ended up not being alone. Plus I had you all and so many others there in spirit. Again, thank you all
  18. I got an email today that Kathleen passed away. Please keep her husband, Gil in your prayers and all their friends who love them so much. I was lucky enough to have meet her numerous times and last Sept had dinner with her and Gil. They cracked me up and are wonderful people. Kathleen is dancing in the stars tonight with all the hounds. edited to add more info: >From Gil: IT IS WITH GREAT SADNESS I MUST REPORT THE UNTIMELY DEATH OF KATHLEEN L. GILLEY, MY ONLY LOVE AND LIFE MATE. WE HAD A GOOD TIME TOGETHER FOR 37 1/2 YRS. SHE WILL BE GREATLY MISSED. GIL Dennis Tyler (of GPA-Central FL) called Gil and he said Kathleen was not feeling well that morning and Gil had to take a couple of hounds to the vet. Kathleen said she would wait at home. When he returned he found her in the front yard. Gil did not know of any medical condition and said he would have to wait for the medical examiner for the cause of death. Soooo sad! They were scheduled to perform at the GPA C FL Woofstock event in two weeks and Gil said that was to be their last performance ever! If you wish to send your condolences, their address is 5751 NE 155th Ave Williston, FL 32696 http://dancinggreyhound.com/news
  19. Thanks everyone I'm trying not to cry- makes my mirgaine much worse. The drink is helping but I forgot when I walked into my bedroom and he wasn't there.
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