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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I signed a contract that I would never have my pups unleashed unless in a fenced area.
  2. I pull them out by hand- it's a good workout.
  3. No advice but good luck I guess returning the kid isn't an option?
  4. Call me crazy too- bought a house because Sparks should not do stairs anymore at my townhouse, had special custom patio stairs put in knowing he would need a ramp at some point (he ended up refusing to use a ramp) and my bed was on the floor so that he could sleep with me. We lived this way for 3 wonderful years and I wish I could have just another day with him. Today I put together a bed frame and now my bed is off the floor. Kinda feel like I'm betraying his memory. Lots of love in your post and who cares what people think, it only matters what you and your pup feel- love and being together. Every second counts. We don't have them long enough as it is
  5. Lucky is the same way, switched him to raw and he's never turned his nose up
  6. Diane I'm so sorry What a sweet face- I wish I could kiss her on the nose
  7. Sparks was on a high dose at first and had horrible big d. He lost 7 lbs in a week He was also on a high dose of tramadol so the combo just was horrible for him. We lowered the dose and he did great for the month or so that he was on it. good luck
  8. I tried melatonin and composure for Sparks when he turned 12 Just started using DAP plugin for my foster
  9. Boo was adopted this weekend, yay!! But her parents want to wait until august to take her due to work travels. I emailed them about the food and am putting her on the kind they want to feed. Boo has no SA since I quit the crate. Some dogs just really hate it... She would not be ok as an only dog. woohoo- that's awesome!! I would just switch her and add pumpkin at first That's nice of you to keep her that long.
  10. I usually just switch as well. Assuming Donna knows? I have no idea what they think of gradual or just switching. Is Boo's SA better? Lena is so much better now that I'm not crating her. Someone was asking about Boo at an event this weekend. They are first time adopters though and I wasn't sure Boo would be ok as an only pup.
  11. My vet just started using thyroid meds for corns
  12. My poor Lucky is the same way- I turn on fans and the tv plus I give melatonin I just started using a DAP plug in for my foster, I'm hoping it will help Lucky. Good luck
  13. My hounds don't nor do my fosters
  14. How long have you had her? What's the weather been like? Passion is off her normal food intake as well. She's been doing this around this time the last few years so I'm not too overly concerned. She won't miss a treat though. Maybe you can give her a few extra treats to make up for the lack of eating?
  15. Seems like I get a lot of problem childs. I do have Passion so she prepared me for the worst
  16. I discussed this with my vet last night and we are going to start her on meds. He thanked me for not quitting and giving up on her. I guess she was peeing/pooping in the crate at the clinic. She hasn't done that at my house so that's a good sign. This morning I told her, you are safe here. I will come home so be a good girl and no accidents. Then I kissed her nose and left. She's hanging out with Passion in the livingroom. Also found out that she's been returned twice already Poor girly
  17. I did ask about meds I just went home and she wasn't barking. I left her in the livingroom with Passion and she wasn't barking when I left. Crossing fingers that she doesn't pee/poop. I did take her out and she peed so she shouldn't have to go.
  18. The guilt is reducing me to tears. I just called my group to see what else I can do. I don't want to give up on her after only a week. We are supposed to crate but if she's not crated she will pee/poop in the house. If they tell me not to crate her, I'll try that.
  19. My foster was returned due to SA. I can deal with the peeing/pooping in the house but I can't deal with the non-stop shrill barking. I picked her up last Monday and she was fine the first 2 days. She's getting worse each day. I can't leave the room, she will follow me or bark her head off if she can't see me. Melatonin does nothing. I dogsat her a couple times last year and she was not this bad. I don't know what happened to make her this anxious, stressed out dog. On Sunday I was gone about 4 hours. She was barking when I left and barking when I got home. This morning when I left for work, I could hear her barking outside with the windows shut. I stood next to my neighbors house and could hear her barking. I can't have her barking all day long. I emailed my group that I need to return her today. I can't risk getting a complaint or worse a ticket from the city. I feel horrible and guilty. She can't come to work with me. I did bring her to work Fri & Sat but I can't bring her to my day job. I don't know what else I can do. edited to add: My other foster is now barking when I leave.
  20. I didn't take Lucky to the vet when he cut his pad/paw. I did what you did- cleaned, etc. Then I wrapped it in vetwrap and put a therapaw on. Left that on for a few days and he was able to walk without limping. Hugs to Loki
  21. This morning I put my SA foster in the crate in the bedroom, she barked her head off. I put her in the crate in the dining room and she didn't make a peep. weird??
  22. There's already a thread about this http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/272096-pet-armor-plus-at-walmart/ Good luck-hope it works
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