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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Sparks is gone I'm numb- the drink is helping with that.
  2. I did got Sparks xrays read by them. They got back to me on Monday and I sent it on Sat night. Pretty fast but you do need to use the form.
  3. I'll be thinking of you all. My boss told me to go home but I don't have PTO yet and so want to work a few more hours so I don't have as many to make up later. I'm sure Sparks is sleeping now anyway. I didn't bother leaving any food for him but a pile of treats when I left for work this morning. I keep looking at the clock
  4. Poor Callie. I hope she's feeling better this morning. None of us slept last night. At 4am, I got him up and had him go in the livingroom so I could sleep for 2 hours. Cried driving to work and couldn't stop once I got here. My co-workers are awesome. Where does all this stupid water come from? I swear I should be dehydrated from all the crying the last 24 hrs. Thinking of Lucy today
  5. I was gone just under 2 hours and left him treats. He didn't eat them. Just tried to give him a hot dog and he refused. I can't stop crying
  6. Sparks didn't eat at all while I was at work. I just hand fed him chicken and he ate a bunch. If my vet were open late tonight, I'd be taking him in.
  7. Very bestest thoughts for her surgery tomorrow
  8. Sparks had a rough night. He was crying most of the night in the living room. He hates sleeping in the living room but when I let him sleep in my room, he's up every hour or barking at the other dogs. Then when I left for work, I noticed he had pooped in his bed. I didn't have time to wash it so cleaned it up and then threw a blanket over it. It was already dried so an easy clean up. Sorry Lucy had a rough weekend
  9. Greyt minds think alike: I tried ballpark last night. He didn't want to eat them but did eventually. He hasn't eaten much today except those salmon treats from Costco. He loves them! I gave him 4 this morning and he chowed them. this sucks
  10. I didn't want to give him an extra tramadol incase that is causing him to be restless so I gave him 2 gabapentin. He slept pretty well or maybe because I was so exhausted I didn't wake up every time he moved. He didn't eat much this morning but I did get him to eat a can of wet food last night. He's laying on the bed with me. I've notived his legs are very twitchy/restless and have been for a while (weeks/months). He always lays funny so I'm thinking he can't get comfortable
  11. I'm so sorry about Trip Sparks did eat last night and this morning. I had to hand feed him to get him to eat. brat I tried to let him sleep with me last night but he gets up at least once or twice an hour. I wonder if he's uncomfortable. He gets all 3 pain meds at night so I wouldn't think he would be. I was also giving melatonin but that doesn't seem to be helping so I stopped wasting it. I called my vet yesterday to set up an appt but they put me on hold and I hung up. I have 21 more days left before my vet goes out of town. I can use another vet in the clinic but I really want to use my vet. Esp if I'm gonna have a complete melt down. This brought tears to my eyes.
  12. He ate some chicken that I left him when I went to work and I got him to eat more tonight when I hand fed him. I picked up a few cans of wet food to try. He used to love it so it will kill me if he doesn't want to eat it. He's only eating chicken and beef roast that I cook in the crock pot. He won't eat kibble and hasn't for about a year. I'm hoping he wasn't eating because I made him sleep in the living room the last 3 nights. I needed my sleep and he's waking me up every hour. I still wake up with him in the living room but I slept more (if that's possible). I just don't want him to not be eating because it's time
  13. I didn't give him any- just used the broth to add to the chicken broth that I made for Lucky He already has big D so don't need it getting any worse
  14. Sparks is really slowing down. He didn't want to eat the last 2 days and he's been eating so well I bawled my head off this afternoon when I took him outside to enjoy the sunny day for a few minutes.
  15. sh!t- not what they are supposed to tell you I'm so sorry
  16. Thank you! I made chicken in the crock pot for him last night. He loved it. I'll make roast for him tonight. He still has big d-I suspect from eating all the meat and treats. I don't care about that if it's not making him uncomfortable.
  17. It was just a ham bone, no meat
  18. I'm waiting for it to cool and will give him a little tonight. He loves the chicken but I'll be out in a few days so will have to pick more up. I have a huge roast to cook that Jen (bigorangedog) brought over tonight. That will last at least a week
  19. I would only give him a few bits with the chicken and beef Plus there wasn't a lot of the ham but I threw it in the crock pot with the chicken so hoped that it wouldn't be too bad for him.
  20. I'm sorry. My ex-foster Duke had osteo in the same area. My Sparks is on his rear leg/knee. It sucks!
  21. A friend brought over some fish, turkey and ham for Sparks I know ham is salty but can he have some in moderation along with other meat? He's only eating meat now and it's all cooked. I gave up on raw when he stopped wanting it raw. I have a crock pot going every night with meat for him and he's eating a lot. He only has a few weeks left so please don't suggest I feed him other foods because he's going to eat whatever he wants at this point.
  22. It was a great weekend, pictures coming Yeah, don't tell them. You will spend hours cooking, of course it's totally worth it but I think I need a bigger crock pot!
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