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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Sounds like he does. Is there someone who could sit with him, just so he has someone there? You CAN bring him over here anytime, but I know it's hard to get him into the car. Thanks Jen
  2. Believe me, I don't care at all about my floors. I would gladly clean sh!it my floors for years to come if it meant Sparks would still be with me I just worry about him- I don't want him to be upset
  3. I'm wondering if he has SA going on. He pees/poops at least 4-5 times when I am not home. When I am home, he does not ask to go outside but goes out when I first get home, maybe once a few hours later and again right before bed. I feel bad leaving him home but I have to work
  4. Have you tried adding rice or oatmeal to his food? He has been so picky eating that I don't think he would even touch rice or oatmeal. I was worried he wouldn't eat the wafers but he did eat one yesterday and one this morning. I hope that helps his big D. He went 3 times last night My poor boy. The interesting thing is, he only does this when I am not home. He doesn't wake me up to go potty at night although he does wake me up, he lays right back when next to me. I'm beginning to wonder if he has some SA going on. He seems to want to go with me when I am leaving for work. He stands at the baby gate watching me and won't go lay down.
  5. I stopped all suppliments last Sunday. It is getting harder and harder to pill him. So trying to get 10+ pills in him day just wasn't what I wanted for him his last weeks. Now he's getting just the pain meds so 5 pills a day.
  6. I'm sobbing reading this. I'm so sorry This is exactly the same as Sparks and I'm sorry we are both going through this in the winter. I wish it were summer so Sparks could lay in the grass one last time
  7. Tramadol 50 mg twice a day Gabapentin once a day for the last week, just started today with twice a day Melacoxin (sp?) 1/2 pill a day I'll pick up some of the wafers at Target- thanks for the reminder I guess I have flagyl too
  8. I'm sorry to hear about Trip Anyone have suggestions on what to give for big d? Can't be pumpkin, pill would be better Not sure which medication is causing is. I don't think it's the tramadol since he's been on that before
  9. I think he only woke up twice last night and we slept until 8am Now lounging in bed for a while until I have to pick up an elderly friend to bring her to the hairdresser
  10. He was restless again last night but not as bad as the previous few nights. I'm going to make sure to give melatonin and composure tonight to see if that helps him sleep. He's also getting 3 diff pain meds at night so I would think he'd be feeling ok.
  11. Sparks had the same thing but I could see his leg getting stiff and he couldn't use it. It lasted a few seconds and then he could walk again. I used Lake Harriet Vet for acupuncture last Friday. The initial consult is $170 though but I am so glad that I went.
  12. Sparks is drinking a lot of water as well Could be from the pain meds
  13. He ate a lot for dinner I cooked enough for the next 2 days
  14. I'll know in 45 minutes I left him 2 bowls of food this morning. He was eating the chicken when I walked out the door. He ate a lot yesterday, not sure if I posted that or not. I need to run to Costco and get those dehydrated duck treats. I have a few of the chicken left but I know he loves the duck too.
  15. I'm wondering the same thing about Sparks. Is he in too much pain? When is it the right time to let him go? He's still eating, running (kinda) 3 legged in the yard and loving treats. I hate this! Hugs to you as you deal with this as well
  16. Sparks ate a lot today His big d is getting back to normal. It was black so I stopped the chinese herb that was for the cancer. I don't want his last days being like that. He loves to be in my room but I can't leave him in there when I'm not home. I worry that he will pee on my bed. Now he's in the corner of the livingroom and he can pee where ever he wants. I have papers down on the floor for him. We do sleep in my room now. I'm touching him all night so i can rub his back when he gets restless. I'm still crying a lot- and at times when it just hits me, I bawl. My co-workers are all awesome and dog lovers so they totally understand. Thank you to everyone for the comments here and the pm's. They are really helping me more than I will ever be able to express I still just can't believe he has cancer
  17. I'm sorry Pam We all know you loved him at the end when he needed it the most. Thank you.
  18. Thanks Jen I think I'm still in denial and didn't call her. The info on the meds is good, thanks He had a restless night last night. He didn't poop yesterday so I think that was the main problem. I've been sleeping next to me and touching him all night. So when he moves to get up, I rub his back and he lays back down. He did poop this morning and ate some chicken. I left a bowl of tripe, beef, chicken and a handful of treats and a huge bowl of water.
  19. I just ran into to give him a ton of smooches. He looked me me like- what the hell woman, I'm trying to sleep here
  20. I'm sorry for your loss. He's beautiful
  21. I'm sorry about Brooke Sparks is only eating raw and has been for a good 6+ months.
  22. How long did you have? I realize each case if different but I'm thinking it's going to be soon. I had 6 months with him after diagnosis. We were very lucky. He was on Tramadol and Meloxicam. I started him back on Tramadol on Friday and added Meloxicam last night. He also started gabapentin on Friday. I'm letting him eat whatever he wants. I made 2 pot roasts last night and some chicken.
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