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Everything posted by BatterseaBrindl

  1. I just wanted to add that when you start to practice leaving him alone, don't make a huge fuss over him when you come back into the house. This way they do not expect attention first thing. Just come in, take off your coat, hang up your keys and carry on with life...I usually let them all outside for a potty break while I am doing this. When I let them back in, I do not even say hello to them.... I just go about my business and ignore them all for at least 5 minutes. does not matter what they do...I just ignore them. Bandit, even at age 11++, always goes and grabs a bone or a stuffie (sometimes both!) and races around with it. If we paid attention to her - even if we told her 'Stop' - this behaviour it would only escalate. She runs around for a minute then goes and lays down. We have no excitement here at all when we come and go. Nixon barely raises his head to say "oh, gee, you're home"...they all know they will get their pats, cuddles and treats later.
  2. I agree with most of this... Perhaps take the fist day off, but do not dote on the dog.Even try leaving him alone for 1/2 hour or so a couple of times. Second day try leaving for an hour. Like Chad says...if the dog thinks that his normal life is having his peeps there 24/7 he will be in for a terrible shock come next week. This is just not fair to him!
  3. Oh boy....that's what EZ did this morning with the white tripe. I was hoping that the green would work better!!! They are just way too smart for their own good - and for our good!!! Maybe try the canned Tripett... I put some water on the kibble, add the tripett and stir it all up...so it's like gravy. How about just plain Tripett? The can does say it is not to be meant as the dogs sole diet, but if it gets them to eat.... We started Bandit with just the Tripett + a bit of canned medi-diet stuff from the vet and very gradually over a week started adding in small amounts of kibble. Good luck!!
  4. I use the canned variety...as PrarieProf mentioned 'Tripett' is a good brand. I buy the New Zealand Lamb Tripett, as our dogs are on lamb-based kibble. In December 11 yr old Bandit refused to eat anything but cheese and toast. Vet could find nothing wrong. All her blood work was perfect. I bought a can of tripett and as soon as I started opening it I had all three dogs drooling on my feet. Bandit's eating issues went away as mysteriously as they arrived, but I continue to mix a spoonful of the tripett into her kibble. Billie Jean (age 14) also gets some in her kibbles, too. I now buy it by the case! You can get Venison and Beef, as well as Lamb.
  5. My dogs love to see me drive into the yard with the horse trailer! Mmmmm good!
  6. Just checking in to see how Ava is doing today. Sending healing and comforting thoughts. Nancy
  7. Gentle hugs from all of us to you tonight. You did absolutely everything you possible could for your girl. Remember the good times... Nancy
  8. BillieJean is over 14 and Bandit will be 12 in the summer. Thankfully all of my family & friends are just as dog-crazy as we are, and totally understand the lengths we go to for our aging companions.
  9. No advice. Just quiet, healing thoughts for you and Rainey.
  10. BatterseaBrindl

    Greyhound Buddies

  11. From the album: Greyhound Buddies

    Patricia with Gracie & Oscar (red coat) Nancy with Nixon (blue) & Archie
  12. Healing thoughts coming to Ben from the other side of Ontario
  13. Walmart probably carries fish oil capsules. Look in the vitamin/health food section department
  14. BatterseaBrindl


    Remember the good times
  15. All of the above! I agre...2 weeks is not really long enough to get her settled into your routine. I would not change the food she's been on for at least another 2 weeks.
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