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Everything posted by maggiespet

  1. No advise Irene. But prayers for Fuzzy and hugs for you. What a devoted Momma you are. I hope this resolves soon.
  2. Just seeing this now. So glad Grover is on the mend. Prayers for your boy and hugs for you. What a day!
  3. Maggie doesn't mind the noise inside. But Sam is terrified. I just turned up the music and gave him something to work on (kong with a few carrot inside) and he was OK. Going out - not so much fun. Even Maggie was miffed at the wind. But they eventually had fun chasing leaves. Hey Miss Tiki - hopefully it won't be so windy tomorrow sweetie
  4. Oh Ducky - I'm so very sorry Bandit had to leave. But he's with sweet Nina. GodSpeed Bandit.
  5. maggiespet

    Trap Is Gone

    I'm so very sorry. GodSpeed Trap.
  6. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Boyd.
  7. maggiespet


    I'm so very sorry. GodSpeed Flash.
  8. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Dimples.
  9. We got Sam the mutt pup when he was quite young and only 12#. (hard to believe he was ever that small!) Maggie is a high prey drive kinda girl so I knew from the beginning we were going to have to be very careful. Sam was crated when we weren't home. He was in an x-pen when we were home and not actively playing with him and when we were playing with him, Maggie was muzzled. And i just didn't let them outside together till Sam was 20# or so and even then, Maggie was muzzled and extremely supervised. And we kept these rules till Sam was 30#. That seems to be the magic number for Maggie. I'll bet you can get through this with muzzle, crate, separate turnout and lots of supervision. Good luck.
  10. Great news that she's home where she belongs. Keep getting stronger sweet Onyx!!!!!!
  11. Prayers for Onyx and hugs for you. Hoping today is not the day.
  12. I'm so very sorry. GodSpeed Black Jack.
  13. I'm so very sorry. GodSpeed Midnite.
  14. Me too. GIG just won't be quite the same. That was a lady who truly loved her day job. And the hounds. Prayers for her family. GodSpeed Kathleen.
  15. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Faolin.
  16. So glad to hear she's home. I'm sure it was a long day for all of you.
  17. Healthy, healing thoughts and prayers for your sweet girl. Hoping she'll put a few pounds back on after her dental like Phene did.
  18. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Precious.
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