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Everything posted by maggiespet

  1. Maggie was out playing in the snowo and I watched her pull up her foot quickly. She was back in the "woods" part of our backyard and although we keep it quite free of ground debris, there always an occassional stick/branch/rock/etc. Anyway, she must have stepped on something. She came to me right away and wanted back inside. Blood trail. Not a CSI scene, but not a spot here and there either. The booboo is between her toe pads - I think - it's hard to see in there but when I press a clean 4x4, it fills with blood. So i've been applying pressure for at least 5 minutes. It's still trikling. And while I'm typoing this, she licking like crazy. OK - got her muzzle on her. So - at what point do I need to get her to the vet? Keep applying pressure? I'll bet the temporary "scab" pops open ever time she stands up. i don't' think she's in pain.
  2. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Hector.
  3. So right from the start, I'll tell you that my dogs think that I am no fun at all. Neither has ever growled at me over stuffie/chewie possession, but they have at each other and i don't like vet bills. So, like at your house, I hand out stuffies and basically watch them play with them. (same for a pig ear) And when I've decided that they are done, I take them away. However, I make the dog move away from the stuffie and pull it towards me with my foot (not in a fearful way). I know I'm making it sound like I have Cujo and Cujo, Jr. here - and I do not. I am blessed with sweethearts. But I don't go looking for trouble. I'll bet you get lots more advise and get sweet Kevin's stuffie craze under control. Good luck!
  4. No experience or advise - just keeping Steak in my thoughts and prayers. How scary for everyone. Poor guy.
  5. Thank you Lindsay and WAG folks. Prayers for Chase and Cricket.
  6. GodSpeed Alphonso. And God bless Sylvia who showed you compassion and love. Claudia - thank you for posting (just enough) so that we can give this poor boy his well deserved good byes, good thoughts and prayers.
  7. I'm so very sorry. GodSpeed Toby.
  8. Poor Barkley has really been through it lately. What a lucky pup to have landed at Camp Pam!!!! I second Ducky's suggestion of melatonin. It has dramatically helped my friend's crazy wein who can destroy a Midwest crate in 15 minutes.
  9. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Maggie.
  10. Continued prayers for sweet Goldie and hugs for you Dee. Hoping for a thyroid issue.
  11. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Money.
  12. Hoping for B9 !!!!!! Good, healthy thoughts for your girl.
  13. Well, you all have some real "problems" with your greyhounds. I, on the other hand, have a perfect greyhound. Nothing annoying, no bad habits, no embarrassing behaviors. She's perfect. And she said I can say that about her every day. In fact, she insists. I love the sound of her slurping her privates. I love the cold nose treatment if I'm slow with a treat. I love to let her choose our route for walking. I love how she berates and belittles Sam, the mutt pup. I just love everything about her. And it's a good thing. Because I don't think I'm woman enough to change her! Oh how I love my girl. OK. Coming Maggie. Yes, it's time for your massage dear. :lol
  14. I'm so very sorry that the day has come. You and sweet Neyla are in my thoughts. Hugs to you and prayers for a peaceful passing for your lovely girl. You two have shared so much love for each other.
  15. maggiespet


    I'm so very sorry. GodSpeed Strider.
  16. Welcome to GT. Dragon and Pixie are great looking hounds! Hope to see you around the board. **great job picture posting!!!**
  17. How's Bella this morning? That must have been so scary. Hugs to you.
  18. I'm so very sorry. GodSpeed Logan.
  19. My Zip boy (now an angel) was a floppy eared cocker spaniel. He had horrible, smelly, black gook ear infections seasonally every year of his life from ages 2-13. It would come in the fall and be gone by Christmas. His was definitely allergies and we eventually (after 6 vets) learned how to minimalize it - never got to the point of eliminating it. And no amount of time or effort to keeping his ears clean helped. It sounds like Isis has other things going on. Hugs to you and prayers for Isis that the vet can figure this out and make her comfortable. Poor girl. edited for silly spelling mistakes
  20. Maggie also has a 1/6 murmur. I don't know if Althea raced - but Maggie's murmur didn't stop her from racing (in the $$ 56%) and currently stirring terror in the hearts of neighborhood wildlife. I have a rather casual attitude regarding the murmur. And that comes from watching my sister my whole life, who has a fairly significant heart murmur. It's never stopped her from doing everything and anything she's wanted to do. I think it will be the same for Althea.
  21. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Nebraska.
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