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Everything posted by maggiespet

  1. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Melanie. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Melanie.
  2. Hoping it's an infection. Prayers for Dawn and DS.
  3. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Wingie.
  4. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Kevin.
  5. Lisa and Steve - I am so very sorry. GodSpeed sweet girl.
  6. Julie - no advise but i sure hope sweet Raelen is on the mend soon. What a scary thing - her foot bent the wrong way!!! Good for you for keeping your head. hugs to you all.
  7. maggiespet


    I was a lurker back then. But I remember handsome Alan. You two really had something special.
  8. Congratulations to you all. She's very pretty - so shiny black. Hope to run into you all at GIG.
  9. Oh my goodness - she's adorable!!!! Congratulations!! Prayers for Tanzi's safe and healthy arrival to your home ASAP!
  10. Sorry - no experience. But hugs to you and Phene. Best of luck with the eye doc. Looking forward to meeting his handsomeness at GIG.
  11. Many prayers coming from New Jersey for Natasha. Hugs to you. This part is so hard.
  12. Congratulations to you and Wesley!!! He looks like he'll be just the heart healer you need. Handsome boy!!!!
  13. He must be feeling 1000 times better just being home. Hope he continues to heal and the path comes back clean. Sweet boy!!!!
  14. Continuing prayers for Merlin. Hoping the handsome boy has an uneventful night. Kerry - hugs to you and hope you can get some rest.
  15. More prayers and hugs coming. Hoping the Wizard is home soon!
  16. Oh Donna I'm so very sorry. You and Spencer had a wonderful life together with Emmie and Buzz. GodSpeed Spencer.
  17. Prayers for sweet Merlin. Hugs for Kerry. Thanks for the pupdate Amber.
  18. I am so very sorry. GodSpeed Desmond.
  19. I'm so very sorry. GodSpeed Princess.
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