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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. All paws crossed for smooth pooping. Or foamy pooping. Whatever's best.
  2. All paws crossed here for your boy and you.
  3. Sorry, Sid honey. Hope you feel better soon. I don't know about c. diff in dogs, but in humans the standard diet recommendation is bland, soft food that's not too high in insoluable (spelling?) fiber. So, no cayenne pepper or watermelon seeds. I don't know anything about how many protein sources are best, but again, in humans, I don't think that's a common restriction. Some nice lean boiled chicken sounds fine. Oat fiber is supposed to be more easily digested than that in rice, I think. Chicken and oatmeal? Bananas? Applesauce or stewed apples without the peel? Some people who have had antibiotics have a temporary lactose intolerance.
  4. Adding our good thoughts for your boy, and hoping his incision is more comfortable today.
  5. Run free, sweet boy, and watch over your human family, who will miss you so very much.
  6. Sending extra ear scritches to the Sidster.
  7. Just sending healing ear scritches for your boy.
  8. I found this website helpful during the years my Scout had kidney problems: www.dogaware.com. There are cites to research that argues that, at least in the earlier stages of kidney disease, phosphorus, not protein itself, is the most important thing to be cautious about. Scout loved salmon oil, which is supposed to be easy on the kidneys. One easy-to-digest but calorie-packed addition to food sometimes suggested by Diane Burpdog here on GreyTalk is cooked pasta. Maybe with a little butter (or salmon oil) on it.
  9. Amazingly good report!!!! How does she seem to be feeling?
  10. on the hookworm diagnostics. But as we know, that's all part of that fabled greyhound charm.
  11. Sending best wishes for a quick knockout of whatever-it-is. Jake, have a nice rest and then gobble up some supper, 'k?
  12. Hoping she's over the diarrhea now, too. Do you at least have a fireplace so you can burn some of the peach wood this winter?
  13. Sending best wishes to your boy.
  14. Welcome back! Dutch and Diva sounds like a greyt pair of names, and their pictures look wonderful, too.
  15. Welcome to you and Brooklyn. Maybe you'll end up having a pack of greyhounds all named after NYC boroughs?
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