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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Just hugs. Lots and lots of hugs ...
  2. Snooze your way back to recovery, Arwen!
  3. Keep 'em in line, Joey boy! And keep on eating and healing.
  4. I'm remembering advice I received when I adopted my first grey, a bounce from a loving home. Eve missed her first family very much. A friend experienced with dogs advised me to keep everything upbeat and positive with her. Sort of like: "Treat her like she's got something to be sorry about, and she'll be sorry. Treat her like she's the luckiest dog in the world, and that's what she'll pick up on." I wonder if that might work in this situation. I've found it helpful for my own emotions to talk to a surviving dog about happy memories of a departed dog.
  5. Sending all sorts of good wishes for continued quick recovery.
  6. EllenEveBaz


    I'm so sorry. I hope she's running and pooping and enjoying her sunbaths with all of her loved ones.
  7. Princess did get her happy-ever-after ending, even though it was so short. Run free, beautiful girl. (((((((Diane)))))))
  8. You gave her the most loving gift of all, and took all of her pain upon you. Run free, Sassy lass.
  9. EllenEveBaz


    Run with the wind, John Curly.
  10. Keeping JoeJoe and you in our thoughts and hopes.
  11. Hoping things are quiet at your house tonight and that the gums don't get any paler. If I have the funds, I usually figure even a vi$it to the e-vet better than a worried, sleepless night. Our primary vet before we moved suggested letting the dog fast for 24 hours, and just offering fluids, to help the gut quiet down. I usually caved before the 24 hours, but I do keep low sodium broth in the pantry to offer as a fluid. Some dogs tolerate peeled potatoes or pasta better than rice.
  12. Sending hugs to the humans and ear scritches to the pups.
  13. Sending Rivie and her family gentle thoughts, and wishes for many good days ahead.
  14. I think that both of you deserve the most wonderful recovery treats you can think of.
  15. All paws crossed for smooth pooping. Or foamy pooping. Whatever's best.
  16. All paws crossed here for your boy and you.
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