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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Sending quick healing vibes to all of you.
  2. No pannus dog here, but I did buy a pair for Bazzy Bear to wear in the car since he liked his head stuck out even at highway speeds. Baz was 31" at the shoulder and had a loooong face, but even he just took a medium. I think the large size is for dogs with very wide heads. Bazzy's were chrome, but I think on your boys' white faces something darker would contrast better. I voted camo. Wendy, did the vet explain how they can cause drying? I'm interested because I have severely dry eyes, myself.
  3. So far, so good. Keeping paws crossed here. Hoping you get some sleep.
  4. Rule in this house is that a few days after a dental, they get ice cream.
  5. If only all the world's problems could be solved so readily!
  6. My first grey was the most outgoing girl imaginable, but she was miserable her first weeks with me. And she was used to a home -- she was a bounce. I figured out later that she hated all changes of location, but all I could think of at first was that she hated me and that this was all a terrible, terrible mistake. The best advice I got was to stop hovering over her and saying, "Poor, poor baby." Instead, I should talk to her and act like she was the smartest, prettiest, luckiest dog in the world. If I acted like that, she would, too. It worked. After two weeks, we were inseparable. She was the smartest, prettiest, luckiest dog in the world, and I was the luckiest person for having her.
  7. Like Ernie sings in Sesame Street: "Rubber Duckie, you're so fine And I'm lucky that you're mine Rubber duckie, I'm awfully fond of - Rubber duckie, I'd like a whole pond of - Rubber duckie I'm awfully fond of you! (doo doo, be doo)"
  8. Sounds promising. Maybe Hitchie and House are talking with each other about how worried they are about you, and how the vet never pays any attention to you even though you are hurt much worse than they are, and how they feel like such TERRIBLE greyhounds for having caused all this in the first place, and .......
  9. Sweet Whitey, sweet Apollo -- life is good.
  10. Riley, you had a life filled with adventure and deep, enduring love. Run with the wind.
  11. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs to Whitey and his beautiful family.
  12. Sending healing thoughts to Katie and to you.
  13. Holding Manny and his family in the light.
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