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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Was there finally petting with the cat smell lady? Cats on leash -- I understand wanting to give your cats some stimulating enrichment if they're tolerant of leash walking. But to walk them out in a public space -- there's no way you could keep them (or yourself) safe if there was a loose dog.
  2. AnnIE, does it drive you nuts on big jars when you can't quite reach the very bottom? Sometimes I buy one of those big ones just to torment the dogs.
  3. That girl ain't right. It was so weird when I first got Milo and readied myself for another marathon of trying to teach a sit. I backed him into a corner, put a treat up above his nose, and ...... he SAT! I guess 1/6 coonhound was enough to overcome the no-sitting greyhound genes. What's Willa's excuse?
  4. I guess they're both fawns with different amounts of black brindling, but it looks like they are reverse images of each other, doesn't it?
  5. I don't even see the tongue -- too bewitched with her exquisite eyeliner.
  6. Crap. Extra hugs to your boy. And you.
  7. Yes, an elephant looking backwards. The red plaid outfit reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West's soldiers with their long-tailed coats marching through her castle. "O lay O. O laaaay O."
  8. I'm so sorry about Toffee. One thing about galgos that has prevented me from adopting is that, unlike greyhounds, they are jumpers. A 6-ft fence or on-leash only is generally recommended. But when I want to go window shopping, I look at SAGE -- Save a Galgo Espanol. They adopt within a 6-hr drive from Harrisburg, PA.
  9. Oh, what a face! Toffee, may your spirit run with the wind. (((((((((((((((((((((((((Toffee's family)))))))))))))))))))))))) My Romie had lymphoma. I will always remember that evening that I first thought, "Hmm, his neck looks a little funny."
  10. An admirable quality in man and beast. Punkin is looking alert in the background. Is she contemplating swooping in to scoop up AnniE's rejected treat? A veggetubble mystery!
  11. When we're out together, dancing cheek to cheek ...
  12. One on each cheek. That way, they'll always be walking with you. Picture is beautiful.
  13. Typical results for a multi-hound house with presents: Milo loves to paw and arrange the snuggly warm blanket given to Gelsey by her secret santa. Gelsey has taken both her own PEEENK stuffy and Milo's football toy outside for exclusive playing rights. And they both think the Bil-Jac Gooberlicious* treats are absolutely yummo. *Although the packaging plays up peanut butter flavor, PB is actually the last ingredient on the list. It's primarily chicken liver. I guess the company thought that Libberlicious would not sell as well. But if you are looking for a soft treat or something you can hide a pill in, M&G give these an enthusiastic 2 paws up.
  14. Milo and Gelsey divide the work. Milo catches, kills, and brings inside. Gelsey eats. She starts at one end and goes about halfway, leaving the remaining part of the poor bunny on my living room rug.
  15. As noted above, your yard is a fawn brindle. And the dogs are gorgeous.
  16. Another welcome. Is Stormy your navigator?
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