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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. If she's fine with a normal flight, she should be fine with more. I wouldn't give it a second thought.
  2. My dogs know move, which often means they need to back up, but I've actually started teaching Bu beep beep to back up straight. Last obedience class we were working on freestyle where backing up is used often. Thankfully it was only one day because it is not Bu's strong suite.
  3. I'm so sorry. I've always loved seeing her pictures.
  4. I'm sorry for your loss. Please don't blame yourself. You were doing a good thing. There is no way you could have known it wouldn't turn out well. You brought h a playmate and it sounds like he was enjoying having the foster there.
  5. I hope he's ok. My foster dog had nasal worms. So gross to think about. Did Robin sneeze and reverse sneeze a bunch at any point?
  6. Try throwing him treats while he's on the bed. You'll reinforce that staying on the bed is good. You'll probably have to do it frequently at first, but you should be able to space the treats out after awhile. Have you taught him "stay"? Because, that would be good to use. Can you lock him out of the room? Keep a leash on him. When he starts barking immediately, calmly walk him out of the room. When he's calm, allow him back in. If he starts barking again, put him out of the room. His reward for being calm is being in the room, if he can't be calm, then he can't be in the room.
  7. I've seen tons of dogs, all different breeds, play and the majority of them bite at each other when running and playing. They flip each other over and jump on to of each other. They growl, snarl and bark. That's dog behavior. Greyhounds competing and nipping each other when running is the same thing. They just have thin skin and rip easily so it seems worse.
  8. I would stop feeding everything but kibble (or rice and chicken) right now. I'd also go to the vet. Just an aside, pumpkin gives one of mine diarrhea.
  9. I feed costcos natures domain. Sailor gets 2 cups twice a day. Bu gets as much as he wants. Usually 6-8 cups a day. His metabolism is nuts. I feed them when I wake up, anywhere form 7-noon and dinner is from anywhere from 10pm to 2am, which is before bed. Make your own schedule that works for you and your dog. I only add water to new dogs foods to slow down their eating, but otherwise it's a pain to me.
  10. I wouldn't worry about a couple brownies. Sailor ate peanut butter cups today and I'm just keeping an eye on him since they were milk chocolate. Unless its great quality chocolate, it really isn't a big deal. I have no problems inducing vomiting if I need to and it's a good skill to have when it's needed.
  11. Pumpkin may help. I had a vet call it the great equalizer.
  12. I have issues posting pictures here, but if you're on FBI or give me your email address, I can send you pictures of the slides that I was referring to. It may make more sense that way. If he's in a crate and it comes off, I would be a little worried about the collar getting chewed if he gets bored.
  13. It isn't break away, but you could probably rig it to be by only putting the end through one slide and not the other. It may come off a little easier than you want. Or possibly putting iy just under the second slide, but so short its about to pop out. I was told that you do want the Preventic collar snug so it doesn't move around much. I think it uses the bodies oils, but I could be wrong. I've also been told by multiple vets that its the only collar that works.
  14. Could be a hystiocytoma. I would bring her to the vet since there are 2 and one was draining.
  15. Any chance he scraped his leg on something that pulled the hair out? Or that scraped him up and those could be scars? Otherwise I agree with the other posts.
  16. It depends on the weather for us. My dogs can walk for hours if its not too hot. I'm not a very fast walker, but not slow either. If its even a little warm, Sailor lags way behind. If I want to walk when it's hot out, I bring them to areas that have water access so they can go swimming and drink when they start getting too warm.
  17. I've been very happy with the preventic collar. I've been using it a couple years and haven't found any ticks. And we live and hike in tick heaven.
  18. Maybe try crating him when he gets like that so he can decompress and take his nap.
  19. Just like people , no two dogs are alike. Is she exhibiting prey drive or could she just be really curious? She may just have had no idea what the noise was so she was trying to figure it out. I would keep desensitizing her since it seems to be helping.
  20. Puzzle toys are good. Even kongs are puzzle toys of sort. Feeding him from toys is good too.
  21. It sounds like Finn is resource aggressive. When Mojo came over while you were petting him, he was guarding you, when you were preparing dinner and he growled at Sage, he was guarding food.
  22. Nails could play a part in it.
  23. Dried tripe works w amazingly well. Zuke minis, Plato brand freeze dried treats break up well, Merrick tripe patties or their little sausages, cloud star brand treats. Putting some peanut butter in a baby jar and letting her have a lick or two as a reward always works. Dried fish, beef liver, beef lung, etc. these have varying degrees of messiness. I put them in a plastic baggy before putting them in my pocket or training pouch. Every dog is different. You just need to find what works for yours. Sailors favorite training treat is bagels and cream cheese. Bu loves hard boiled egg yolks.
  24. I shove the comfortis down their throats. Comfortis is a month long flea killer. Bu came to me with a huge scab on his back/neck that I was told was possibly from frontline, so I avoid it. I try not to touch the preventive collars, but I still pet their necks often. If I touch the collar I make sure to wash my hands after the pet session.
  25. I use the preventive collar for ticks and comfortis pills for fleas and I've been happy with them.
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