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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. After thinking about it, I'm wondering if the new formula is already being packaged into the old style bags. Both girls have gotten suspiciously "bunny soft" with the last 2 bags of food and no other changes.
  2. I haven't seen the new stuff show up yet in my autoship from Chewy. It looks like the new formula that was previously Focus Large Breed is about 27 calories per cup less than the old formula. Our girls do well on this food, so I'm hoping that continues.
  3. I tried to post something last year and couldn't do it. I think the broodies he sent us helped to fill the void that he left here. They keep us hopping. I'm sure it was just a cruel prank on his part and that he's still laughing about it. I love my broodies, so the joke is on him.
  4. A vet check is the first priority. Your dog may be in pain or have some blood related value that is off and causing odd behavior. If that's not it, there has to be some triggering event or the dog is testing boundaries. For now, no furniture privileges and petting only takes place when the dog is standing up and comes to the person for pets as a safety measure. Use the OFF command when he gets on the furniture. If he doesn't know it, you are going to have to teach it. He may be trying to claim the furniture as his space.
  5. This site doesn't seem to exist. Can you double check the URL? Thanks.
  6. 2 years ago today this wonderful boy had to leave us. While it still feels like yesterday and I miss him like he just left us, he is still making me laugh every day when I think of his antics and the number of ways he "worked the system" to put one over on me all the time. If I reached in my pocket he assumed I was getting car keys and ran to the door, he was always ready for a ride. If I said the word "gas," he ran to the door because going to fill-up the car was his job. If we were discussing getting burgers from a fast food place, the question "What do you want on it?" made him jump up from the bed and go to the door because he knew there would be a ride to the drive-thru. The words "walk" or "ride" caused him to fly through the house to the back door, even if they were only being used in casual conversation. There were times that we had to go for both after accidentally saying one or the other. I also hate having a whole banana to myself. He never begged for human food except for his love of French Fries. I can still picture the drool running on my leg as he hovered over my lap for one fry after another. He also showed up in front of me every night at 8:15 on the dot because he wanted his ice cream. He got a spoonful or two each night and then went out for his last turnout. At about 4:30 each morning he got up and took a tour of the house, checking each room to make sure that everything was okay. I called him "The Night Watchman" when he started doing that. At least now these things bring a smile or a laugh and not as many tears as they used to. He's shown up in dreams at times and I wake up thinking he is still here and look over to his bed, only to find Petunia or Kate. He will definitely always be here. We love you and miss you buddy.
  7. I know that's Aiden. I was cheering on Annie for her vehicle selection! Did she drive it home?
  8. Greyt job Annie. You got those posters for all of your friends too, right?
  9. Annie, We are waiting wif bait on our brefs to see whot you drive home in! Petunia and Kate
  10. Black dogs rule! I am so sorry for your loss. We currently have Kate, a broodie who came to us last year from a farm. Kate Previously, we had Allie who came us after being attacked by the other fosters in a home and who we didn't think would make it through the night when she arrived. We "co-owned" Allie along with a couple of other people here because we all wanted her and decided to share her along with the medical expenses that came with her. She spent time at all of our houses and loved being here with Rocket. This is her after she recovered. Miss Jan from Camp Greyhound had posted a video of Aiden talking, and Allie was determined to find him. I miss this bossy little girl, https://youtu.be/6zoNa6Quqic
  11. 2Hounds has a fit guide with some good info on their site. We use the same harness and find that I do have to make adjustments occasionally as Petunia's weight fluctuates. Scroll down the page here for some info including the use of 2 fingers between the harness and the dog at certain points to help with the fit. https://www.2houndsdesign.com/how-to-fit-a-dog-harness/
  12. Those of you who have been around GT for years may remember Chris Russell of Mahomet, IL, who had the username LovingGreysSLP. I think in the WFUBCC she was known as NewMissChris. Chris had a number of hounds over the years and was a driving force for greyhound adoption in Central IL for years. It was not unusual for her to hear of a dog in need or a lost dog and to respond at any hour of the day or night. She held meet and greets every weekend for years in the Champaign, IL area. We first met Chris when we were looking to adopt a greyhound, and although we ended up adopting Rocket from a different group, we became fast friends with Chris and her family. We lived just about 2 miles from each other, so her hounds were our hounds and vice versa. Chris' hound Cosmo was fireworks phobic and was the driving force behind Rocket's annual "No Fireworks 4th of July Party," where we had a basement full of hounds at our house overnight with the TV and music blaring so that no one could hear the fireworks. This turned into an annual event and one we brought with us to AZ. Chris had been battling cancer for the last few years and was doing pretty well until two weeks ago when she had to be hospitalized. She never let the cancer get her down and was determined to beat it which made this news even harder to take. She passed away on Thursday morning at home. While she was in the hospital, the nurses allowed her family to bring her hounds to the room to visit which I know made her extremely happy. Chris will be greatly missed by all of those who knew her. I'm sure that there is a huge reunion in store at The Bridge with the many hounds she both helped and adopted over the years. Rest In Peace, Chris.
  13. Steve, I'm so sorry your handsome boy had to leave. It was much too soon. Our deepest sympathy to your family. Run-free Billy Bob.
  14. Petunia says that any change, no matter how small, is evil.
  15. Rocket and I used to discuss these kinds of things at length on our walks and occasio.... SQUIRREL!!!
  16. It is scary and there were a few times with Petunia, whose worms were the worst, that I wondered if the worm treatment was doing more harm than good, but I also knew the worms were so aggressive that they would eventually bleed her to death if we didn't get them under control. There were one or two times where it was clear that she needed a break and we added an extra week or two into the mix, so it's important to write down the dates you give treatment so you can keep track properly, especially if you stray from the regular schedule. Just to be clear, we only gave one thing at a time and waited to give the next. So, Drontal Plus on the 1st, and the Topical treatment on the 15th. At 11 years old when we started, we felt that giving both together was just too much for each girl. This is probably why it took a long time, but it still worked with great results. Check into the RX vitamin products to help soothe your pup's tummy during this treatment. We have actually left both dogs on these products as they seem to do well on them (Petunia has occasionally tummy issues anyway, so I'm sure these are helping that). RXBiotic, and RXZyme. You can get them on Amazon and contrary to the name, no RX is required. We add the products to the food in every meal and just dissolved the powder with the water we normally add to the food. These were recommended by our vet who practices a combination of traditional and holistic medicine. Our vet is all about whatever works for the dog, so has given us some great insight but also lets us make adjustments where we think they are needed based on what we see daily. It's a battle but the results are very much worth it. Keep us updated on your progress.
  17. For a minute I thought the hauler was going to be pulling up to my door. Way to go Annie. One of the many reasons that Rocket is really missed around here is that he was a leaner. Sometimes we just need a good lean. Aiden, buddy. Glad you found another "sleeping butt. " Keep up the good werk, Campers.
  18. As MaryJane said - take a look at Dr. Ng's paper which expresses the same concern. We adopted 2 11 year old broodies last year who came from a racing farm. One in particular was loaded with hooks and took almost a year of alternating the treatments before she was cleared, but the difference was night and day. Both dogs are doing so much better and we think the second dog has probably eliminated the hooks after about 8 months. Here test will be next month. Our vet had us alternate the treatments due to their age, so on the first of the month we would give the Drontal Plus. On the 15th, the topical was used. This went on for 8 months for one dog so far, and the other dog took a full year. They are both in so much better shape and health than when they arrived, that it is hard to completely describe. Everything from coat, to tummy isuues to general health is just better. In the case of our first arrival who was severely load with hooks, we had several months of bloody diarrhea with the treatments because there were so many hooks. The poor girl had terrible tummy isuues during that time, and after one particularly bad round of bloody stools, the issue cleared up. We did supplement her meals with some of the RxClay products per our vet's instructions to help relieve the tummy stress, and also treated with Metronidazole during a few of the worst occurrences. It is important that any of this you do should be in conjunction with your vet. In our case, Our vet agreed that we needed to use these strong meds, but modified the plan as we went along, and in a few of the months we moved things to 3 or 4 weeks between treamtents due to whatever was happening at the time with tummy issues. This will be an ongoing process for a while where your vet should be involved before you make any changes to the plan so that they can take any other health conditions into consideration. Good luck.
  19. Just one note to add: A clear fecal only means that that particular sample was free of eggs or worms - not that the dog is clear. If he came from a group or off the track prior to coming to you, retest him at least three times over a period of time. Every dog coming off of every track and kennel for the past few years have had a newer strain of hookworms that is resistant to the conventional dewormers. Some of us have spent 6-12 months of special treatments to get the hookworms and other parasites out of our dogs, so one fecal is just no longer a "clean bill of health." See the hookworm thread(s) in Health and Medical for more info as there is literally several years worth of info there. We used Olewo Carrots with ProPlan Large Breed Focus for years and our boy with the bad tummy did well. We have seen dogs that did not do as well on the one for Sensitive Stomachs just depending on what their issues were, and it a trail and error type thing. The best food is the one that works well for your hound.
  20. Pretty sure that Jen (Neyla's Mom) bought an escape a few years ago. You might want to PM her for info about how the dogs fit, etc.
  21. Definitely try a blanket or a lightweight house coat. Houndtime.com has flannel housecoats that are perfect for in the house when the hound is chilly.
  22. It keeps Cletus from driving alone after dark. His legs are too short to shift and clutch at the same time.
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