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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Unfortunately, the "baby" (Sadie Rose) attacked Petunia about 10 days after she arrived requiring lots of sutures and a trip to the E-Vet. She did not work out here but I am happy to report that she was adopted by someone and is living somewhere in California. We also determined that she was totally deaf and we think that she was actually in fear of many normal things. We picked up on her deafness, but she needed a home without other dogs since she was always in a defensive mode trying to protect herself. We hear that she's doing well. I;m sure her new home will provide lots of fries. This house has a long tradition of hounds who loved french fries. If we had a sign out front it might say "Over 2 Billion Served." Kate preferred to sit nearby and guard the fries We also found that Starz loved french fries so we took every opportunity to have them. Even though she was only here for 6 weeks before going to the bridge, she never missed a chance at a french fry. Starz - working the system Petunia was just practicing for National French Fry Day 2 nights ago. (Older pic but same theme) I don't have a picture handy of Trolley with fries, but I will guarantee that there are fries in my hand, just out of the frame of this picture. And of course, the master himself - Rocket
  2. I'm so sorry. Miriam's story is awesome and shows how you and Roy were picked by her to be her forever family. Run pain-free Miriam.
  3. I'd say there's a rocking birthday party at the bridge today. Happy Birthday, Bobber.
  4. Thinking about the tramadol I'm wondering if it made the issue worse? Rocket could not tolerate it at all and it made his coordination terrible so that he walked and acted like he was drunk and was even agitated. Just something to consider. Hoping that Miriam is feeling better today and that they get to the bottom of this quickly.
  5. I'm so sorry to see this diagnosis. Regardless of treatment, spoil that pup rotten for all of us here. Also, just in case you do need second opinions on anything, Dr. Cuoto will consult anywhere in the world via email and will consult with your vet if needed. There is a fee, but many of us here have found lots of comfort in having his expertise when dealing with a complext issue for our hounds. https://www.coutovetconsultants.com/ Our best to you and your pup, and our paws are crossed that you have lots of time left with your beautiful girl. Please keep us updated.
  6. Aiden, buddy! iI's just like I was there myownself. JoeTReporter would be proud! Eggcellent reporting. Petunia is eagerly awaiting your next byline.
  7. Rocket had sleep startle. For us, one at a time with the issue was plenty. That's mostly because we often have other hounds here staying or visiting, and I don't want to have to keep track of other dogs potentially walking up to 2 dogs with sleep startle and having an incident while they are here. It was never really a problem when the others visited, but it was just one of those things that we always consciously watched for to make sure there were no incidents. Rocket usually gave a little warning growl if someone got too close which was fine. They were all still best buddies when they stayed together. He would even let Conner (Remolacha's Conner) lay fairly close to him without having an issue. He and Conner were best buddies so I think Conner knew where the boundary was.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Unexpected loss is even harder. Your sweet boy knew that he was loved and he was living his best life with you and your family. It hurts like crazy now, but eventually you will be able to smile or laugh when you think about something he did or when you encounter a toy or object that he loved to play with. Run-free Oreo.
  9. Thanks everyone. I'm sure that Starz thought she was going to go and work the crowd for pets and treats somewhere which is why she rallied. Her family took her to meet and greets for the adoption group almost every weekend for years before she came to live with us. She was a rock star on the meet and greet circuit and I'm sure she was responsible for lots of hounds getting homes. We are really missing her, and even though she was only here for 6 weeks, she instantly became attached to us, and we were very attached to her. I had to use the leash to get Petunia to go outside a few times in the last few weeks, and every time the leash came out, Starz would come running to the door expecting to go somewhere. Her mind and her heart were ready for anything. Her body could just no longer keep up with her spirit.
  10. I remember Nashville summers. I used to spend a lot of time there for work and one summer even had an apartment there. Pretty nasty and very similar to the Maryland summers I grew up with. We don't even refer to summer here. We just call it 5 months of Hell. I hope Sweep is bouncing back quickly. Petunia highly recommends cottage cheese as a topper, and also says that any of the varieties of these Raw Boost Toppers are delicious. Petunia sends high fours to Sweep!
  11. Nice to see that Sweep is back to...being Sweep!
  12. Reminds me of Wild Kingdom.... "While Jim wrestles the alligator, I retreat to the relative safety of our Jeep." Good job, Aiden. Gotta keep that wildlife under control.
  13. I keep canned food from Evanger's on hand for upset stomachs and tummy gurgles. Normally, it gets them to eat even if they wouldn't eat other things. The one I use is plain chicken and nothing else. It is the consistency of pate' so goes down easily and digest easily. The one I use for upset stomachs is the Organic Cooked Chicken. Amazon and Chewy both have it if you can't find it locally. Note that it is not a balanced meal since it is only chicken, but if it gets them to eat that's all I'm worried about when I use it. Hope Sweep is feeling better soon.
  14. The difference is most likely in the type of growl. Your description sounds like they are trying to play. Greyhound play can be rough which is why greyhound events / play groups require muzzles on all dogs. Rough play can result in torn skin or other unintentional injuries. One of the things we've seen with our broodies is that they will invite other greys to play, but when the dog tries to play or run with them they act like they don't know how to respond. As long as they aren't snarling at each other it sounds like they are fine. There is such a thing as a "play growl" and it's a pretty standard part of play.
  15. I love that girl. She and Kate would have made a matched set - complete with the mayhem.
  16. Lambchop had it coming. Right Annie? Cletus! Annie learned from the master. Well, one of the masters...
  17. Sweep, Petunia says for you to kick cancer's ass. Paws crossed here.
  18. Thanks to everyone for your kind words and thoughts. It's still pretty strange to look around at the beds and not find her roached in one of them . Rest well, Peanut. We know that you'll be showing off your roaching skills up there.
  19. Starz unexpectedly went to the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. She declined rapidly this afternoon after being unable to keep food and water down yesterday. The vet prescribed meds yesterday which seemed to be working but this afternoon she took a turn for the worse. An exam at the Emergency Vet confirmed what we suspected and it was time to let her go. I'm going to miss that little girl. She wasn't here long, but we are glad that her final days were happy and spent with us. In true greyhound fashion, the dog who had to be lifted from the bed and carried to the car this afternoon had one last rally. On the way to the E-Vet she stood in the car with her head over DW's shoulder helping her drive, and then walked herself into the E-Vet's office to check things out. The girl loved rides in the car.
  20. Yup. It doesn't take much for them to get caught. I have to put tags on Starz at night so that she "jingles" if she gets up and needs out. She will not make a noise at all but will just stand there while we sleep. If I forget to take the tags off in the morning, they can get caught in the food bowl stand and flip the bowls over when she pulls. No floor vents here to worry about here at least.
  21. Happy Birthday, Face! You are looking good! Sorry to disturb you while you're working....
  22. Happy Birthday, Val. Val was a regular visitor to Camp Broodie until things like LS and the pandemic happened. We miss seeing that silly girl here. We kept asking her Mom to please take a trip somewhere so that Val and Conner could stay with us. Love that girl!
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