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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I would call the E-Vet or Animal Poison control for instructions. My concern would be having a piece of styrofoam blocking the airway if it gets stuck coming back up if you indice vomiting.
  2. You are in our thoughts at this most difficult time.
  3. You will receive varying opinions here and it probably depends on any sensitivities your pup has. We had Rocket on the High Prairie for a long time, and reached a point where he had the Big D on it. We switched him to their new Lamb formula and he is doing very well on it. Others here swear by Pacific Stream for sensitive tummys, so you may have to experiment some. If you contact TOTW customer service through their website and request samples, they will send sample bags for you to try. Their customer service is very good, and you may even want to explain the issue and get their recommendation as well. Good luck and welcome to GT.
  4. We are very sorry for your loss.
  5. We never met Gustopher, but we feel devastated. He was one of the first hounds that we followed on GreyTalk, and was the inspiration for Rocket's "Pimp Hat" that Miss Donna made. We will miss that gorgeous boy, and are so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to him captured just how special he was to everyone.
  6. A heavy quilted moving blanket tucked in under the back and sides of the seat cushions across all 3 seats should take care of it. It should be heavy enough to keep it from going very far between the cusions, and tucked in tight it won't move much. You can get them at any U-Haul dealer or truck rental, Harbor Freight Stores, and some hardware stores. They even come in colors if you search online for "mover's blankets".
  7. We were at least a week into the new bag when the problems started, maybe even a little longer. We also noticed that he was scratching more than usual prior to getting sick, but there was no rhyme or reason for it. Like I said, it was just a thought and I knew you used TOTW. Hope Beth is feeling better soon.
  8. Come on Beth, you have to get better so you can play in the snow. Just curious and if you covered it here, I missed it - you didn't start a new bag of food recently did you? We just went through something similar with Rocket, with more Big D than vomiting, but the TOTW High Prairie he was on turned out to be the problem. Don't know why. He did great on it for over a year, and all of the sudden couldn't tolerate it. The problem started with a new bag of food. We switched him to the new Lamb TOTW and practically overnight everything cleared up. We are seeing even better results with the lamb than we did for a year on the High Prairie. We were in no way dissatisfied with High Prairie - he did great on it up until those new bags. I should mention that we did all the normal tests and meds at the vet before we figured it out, even trying a different bag with different production codes in case it was a one time thing. Just a thought - not trying to start a food discussion.
  9. I think I preferred thinking that 'only' 15 kilos were heading my way...not sure how I feel now thinking that 1056 feet are heading in my direction! lol It may not be that bad. Found dehydrated duck feet online and it appears they are about 1/2 oz each. Since these aren't dehydrated there will be more weight to them. Can't wait to hear what you end up with. PS - Can we all come to Fiji for Christmas?
  10. Hopefully it's just a bug or the meat that you mentioned. Feel better soon Beth.
  11. OK... i had to go there.....figuring 1/2 oz per duck foot (I'm guessing at the weight), you have 1056 duck feet coming.....Better get some Ziplocs.....
  12. We ended up switching to this about 4 or 5 weeks ago from the TOTW High Prairie. Either something changed in the High Priairie, or something in it was no longer agrreing with Rocket and we had pudding poops from 2 different bags. It was a very rich food, but we saw excellent results on it for over a year until this happened. We switched to the Lamb in an all at once changover (no transition). Not only did he firm right up, his coat is much softer than on the High Priarie. He looks much better, and his weight seems to stay more consistent on it.
  13. Wait until you see how shiny the teeth get after eating a raw turkey neck.
  14. The ASPCA Poison Control Center is located here in Central Illinois and is highly regarded here. Many of the people working the phones are Vet Med Students at University of Illinois, as well as Certified Vet Techs who have studied there. The Vet Med stundents are fantastic and Rocket loves going to the Vet Med facility. We have done meet and greets there for their open house, and he has also given blood there for research when they specifically needed Greyhound blood.
  15. We learned the hard way too. Never pet your grey when they are in their own bed, or anywhere that is considered "their space." It is dangerous for any child the be in or near the pup's bed. The dogs who trained or raced have had their own space (crate or kennel) since they were 6 months old. Even if they only drift off a little, movement or petting them is a major startle and can provoke a bite. We've been through the biting issue twice, both times while our dog was in a bed, and appeared to be awake and enjoying interaction. Rule in our house is you don't get petted unless you are standing. (This boy is not a snuggler - some are.) Good luck with your new pup.
  16. Excellent point. Our boy sleeps through the night with a coat or jammies on. Without - not so much - lots of nesting and moving around.
  17. He's a "nester." You will find the darndest things added to the nest, and it can never be fluffy enouh.
  18. the location of those marks really looks like the tag collar caught on something and had to work it loose. Is the collar a breakaway? In the picture there are no red marks other than places the collar could rub, that's what makes me think it was caught. Any red marks elsewhere?
  19. Just an FYI on this- The owner of the store where I buy TOTW advised that the lamb is a lower calorie food than the other kinds of TOTW. I haven't researched it, but it may matter to some with specific nutition requirements.
  20. We give Rocket ice cream most nights before bed. He often won't go to bed until he has it. We only feed him vanilla, usuallly lowfat like the slow churn kind. He gets a little sliver of it in his dish and usually comes back for another. I would estimate the total that he gets at somewhere between 3 and 4 teaspoons. No harmful effects from it here, and we take it into account as part of his overall food / snack intake. It's more of a ritual than anything. He does respond to the words "ice cream." Be careful how often you say it....
  21. We have followed Larry since the original post about him needing a home. We will be thinking about you and Larry, and wish him a speedy recovery from his muscle pull. Give that boy an extra cookie from his pal Rocket, in Illinois.
  22. He was Rocket and his sister Katie Scarlett's daddy too. They are the only two of that litter that we can find. RIP Dodgem.
  23. I wouldn't mix up a big batch of anything until you know for sure who will eat what after a week or two, at the least. I would vary the mix in small batches until you see what portions work best for each of your dogs. You may find that it will take a 30/70, or 40/60 mix of one or the other to get the best results. Addititionally, if you keep each brand in seperate containers, you don't risk losing a large mixed batch to spoilage in the event that there is an issue or recall with one or the other at any given time. Just a thought from someone who has purchased many big bags only to have our dog stop eating that brand right after we open a new one.
  24. Rocket did something similar last week - scared the crapola outta me. He was perfecly relaxed, but you could tell something didn't go down right as every once in a while he would hack like he was trying to expel someting. I kept an eye on him since he wasn't in distress, and eventually he just went to bed as usual. . His breathing was normal and no sign of distress, so I don't know what he had in there but it went away on it's own. Is he drinking at all? I know this isn't much help, but you definitely need to keep an eye on him until it clears. Edited to add - just saw your follow up and think the E-Vet is the right call since he is lethargic. When a Chow Hound won't take food, something is wrong - we have one of those here too. Keep us posted on his progress.
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