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Everything posted by GreyKarma

  1. GreyKarma


    Deb and John so sorry your handsome Sam is gone my heart goes out to you.
  2. Oh Kyle...my heart goes out to you. Charlie fought the battle of time so well...we will keep you in our hearts and prayers.
  3. You know how my heart feels....for your loss and that Peanut left way too soon. I will miss her chatter in the background when we chat.
  4. Have you tried to make some really small wet meatballs of canned ID and bascially pill him with those...even a 1/4 c would get something in his stomach.
  5. I wondered about that too...come on Peanut we want you to get better.
  6. Have been so worried all day....hearing NO TUMOR was relieving.....prayers continue for her and you.
  7. Have you changed anything in her diet recently..new food, treats etc. Also new things around the house...knew a lab that was very allergic to carpet freshners.
  8. Sending many prayers and wishes for clean films on Friday.
  9. Just seeing this...her sutures look good...hope you both had a restful night. How is your Mom doing?
  10. So glad he is home and on meds he should do well. Maybe you should come back and visit VB armed with scripts for Costco and Walgreens. Hugs to everyone. Carol & Molleigh
  11. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Jack. I am hoping for just a throat irritation.... If it is heart related.... dogs do wonderful on meds. Carol
  12. What a lovely tribute....Dude will always be in our hearts and memories.
  13. Just saw this...I hope she continues to improve...you have our prayers too.
  14. That is good news...she should do well on the meds and be her old self in no time.
  15. GreyKarma


    Such a handsome boy gone too soon...my heart goes out to you.
  16. My heart goes out to you...run free Bee Wiseman... you brought joy to so many.
  17. What a beautiful tribute. Dorie was lucky to have you in her life and she returned the joy to you. She will always hold a special place in your heart and in the hearts of many others. Carol & Molleigh
  18. Oh no !! I am so sorry you lost your girl..Run free Molly
  19. Great news...being home is a good part of the healing process.
  20. I have been thinking about her all day...and you. Once the testing is done hopefully the treatment will make her comfortable.
  21. Kerry fasting after midnight should be fine and his snack is not like a meal. Maybe an ice cube in the morning. Fasting is a preventative measure...many times emergency surgeries were done when we did not know when the last meal was given. I hope they just give him the light sedation that is reversible...it works super for xrays.
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