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Everything posted by GreyKarma

  1. "He got the biopsy results. It appears to have been a severe inflammation. They did not see any cancerous cells. They did find some bacteria, but think it just came from the mouth. ? " That is the news we have been waiting for ....exhale Lisa. This infection may need another round of antibiotics....this whole episode probably started when he was "zoning out" and just festered.
  2. Roscoe you look even BETTER than last Saturday. Antibiotics seem to be doing the trick, they would not have shrunk a tumor. If you are not zoning out anymore I would say you are feelin good and on the mend. Lisa I think you can get off that roller-coaster now.
  3. He does look much much better Lisa...antibiotics have to be working.
  4. So glad she is OK....just anesthesia funk....eat up Cindy
  5. I hope you get some rest, and tomorrow Roscoe shows signs of improving. In my heart I pray it is inflammation that the amoxicillin will start to work on. We are here for you if you need us.
  6. I love Adams...before products like Frontline and Advantage came out I would go into work and spray my pant legs and socks...kills and repels. If your pet does not like the mist sound you can spray Adams on a towel and wrap them up(works good on small animals)...fleas die pretty quick. We always recommended spray around the neck first, that way any fleeing flea would not get up to the eyes, ears and muzzle. I keep it on hand...works on ants too coming in the windows....I soak a cotton ball in Adams and block their trail. The first warm days are when the sleeping larvae wake up..I use Advantage for summer months.
  7. Please feel better Roscoe...hugs to you Lisa Here he is from 6 days ago
  8. Oh Lisa I am just checking in.....I pray that it is just a cyst and treatable. Get better Roscoe..Please
  9. I hope Lisa does not mind that I post this update. She is on the way to the Vets with Roscoe. His neck is filling up with ??? and his eyes are worse. I hope and pray it is just an infection, I have seen something similar years ago (abcess in the throat)
  10. Wishing you a speedy recovery Cindy my prayers are with you....you are a survivor and will do fine. Cindy mah frend her is sum good luck frum me Molleigh PeeEss: Do knot lick da sutures or yu may have to wear a cone.
  11. Lisa I am not a home right now but the photo I have of him last Sat at the M&G his neck was not that way. I have a feeling he has an infection brewing and not just in his eyes. Will try and check back later and see how he is doing
  12. Good thoughts for you and Roscoe. Hopefully it will be just a non-specific Uveitis and the meds will clear it up. His "zoning out" may have been the begining of this if his eyes were hurting. I remember when you got him, but can not remember where he came from....was a tick-borne disease panel ever done? Molleigh and I are here for you if you need us just call.
  13. I too hope it is just the stress and change in you getting ready for a move.....but then Ekko could be planning a new trick not in her book. You and your babies will be in our thoughts for a safe and uneventful move.
  14. For Polli...her favorite color....
  15. Amber I am so sorry for your loss. Blitzen will be in your heart forever. When you feel a gentle breeze, it will be his wings...checking on you.
  16. Hi Robin....this is just a thought about the whining. Have you had any trouble lately with static electricity on her dog bed? I have found in the last few winter weeks Molleigh will whimper for no reason but when she gets off the bed it crackles, then all is well. Just a thought.......
  17. has not set their status

  18. Please little candle work some magic to heal those hurting and to keep the bridge from receiving anymore. I found the little healing candle and re-lit it for 2010.....let's keep it burning. Molleigh
  19. I noticed the same thing on mine,hopefully it is just a glitch.
  20. Your big heart has plenty of room and Outlaw knows that....welcome Bully.
  21. My first Grey had the hock screw back out a few years after her repair. Very easy surgical procedure to remove the screw. We actually autoclaved a set of bits so we would have the right one for the head of the screw. It healed over fine.
  22. Sometimes if they gave pain meds like Torb (injection) it can cause restlessness and pacing, my first grey always had that reaction.
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