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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Ouch! Poor Fixer! Hope he feels much better today! Sending prayers.
  2. She was loved as much as she was beautiful. Happy Birthday, Bear!
  3. duncan41


    No words. Just hugs. :grouphug Too young.
  4. Miss Daytona Wiggle Butt. So glad everything seems to be shaping up nicely. Will be squeezing in a few extra prayers:hope :hope for a very swift and uneventful recovery from all procedures and that pesky anesthetic. pee-ess: I am so glad to have made the trip to NC from FL to meet you and Morty among other things! My daughter is now a huge fan of the Breakfast/Dinner with Bill series!
  5. Any time a substance is introduced that affects the immune system, the door to Pandora's Box is opened. How far the door opens and what is revealed is a cr*p shoot with every dog, but whatever comes out, stays out.........................forever.
  6. Have you noticed a change in appearance? Do you have some photos from 6 months ago to compare to how they look now? Are there more ribs showing? Are the hip bones more pronounced? If they look the same, I would just reweigh in a week or so. Who knows? Maybe the weight from 6 months ago was way off and the current reading is the correct one?
  7. duncan41


    Diane, my hope for you is that you will forgive yourself. If Eliza was half the dog you describe, there was nothing to forgive as far as she was concerned. You loved her, she loved you, end of story. Hugging you with my heart.
  8. Exactly! Any word on the urinalysis/specific gravity?
  9. duncan41

    Black Stop

    Beautiful photos, beautiful boy, beautiful soul. I am so sorry he had to leave so soon. Sending hugs and prayers of comfort.
  10. Aw! Poor Phene! Get better soon, buddy, and follow Mom's instructions! Sending prayers for a quick recovery. Do you use a raised feeder?
  11. Sending prayers for EZ - no more seizures!
  12. If the USG is normal, there's no sign of infection and no protein, the raw diet probably doesn't matter, but may warrant consideration in the future if Tuffy's BUN and/or Creatinine values increase. In my experience, the Veterinary profession in general "frowns on" (read: "hates") raw feeding - big time! Will be anxiously awaiting the urinalysis results.
  13. Damed allergies! I'm at the end of that long line of GTers who thought they were done crying with Miss Susan of Canada about her Dancing Queen Jilly. But as has been said, these are happy tears! Jessie is beautiful and has been sent to do a very important job. That's why she has been waiting for a long time - her forever home had to be just perfect! Welcome home, Jessie! You're right where you belong.
  14. Haley always has been the perfect dog for you - like a rock. Lucky her, lucky you. I am so sorry this is happening. Will be praying for both of you.
  15. How is Cutie Pie Conner doing today? Better, I hope???
  16. Sending prayers and hugs and will light a candle for Lizzie. Will keep her tucked tightly in our prayers tonight and tomorrow. Please let us know when she's awake.
  17. Robin, you luke maahhhhh-velous! He really looks fabulous and has that glint in his eye, too! Oh and yeah, what DO you mean that he's not supposed to have that toy????????????????/:lol
  18. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed for Miss Daytona while chanting "Everything is fine and B9. Everything is fine and B9. Everything is fine and B9".
  19. I am so sorry to read this terrible news. Sending prayers of comfort to you. Enjoy every breath she takes. :grouphug
  20. A friend just went through something very similar (rising Creatinine) and took a chance on Dr. Feeman, sending him an email to which he replied: 1. It is VERY common for Greyhounds to have elevated creatinine levels and have normal kidney function... it is a breed idiosyncrasy. You should print the article I attached above and share it with your vet. This was published in a veterinary peer reviewed journal 7 years ago. The BUN levels that you listed all would have been read as "normal" at our reference lab so you seem to have a high creatinine and a normal to high normal BUN. 2. Before you will see elevations in BUN or creatinine a dog has to lose 75% of their kidney function. BEFORE that though if a dog loses 66% of their kidney function they lose the ability to concentrate their urine. Therefore, if a dog can show an ability to concentrate their urine you know that they must have at least 34% kidney function left which immediately tells you that an elevated creatinine can NOT be from kidney disease in this patient but for the creatinine to be elevated the dog would need to have less than 25% kidney function. 3. ALWAYS try to check the urine specific gravity (aka urine concentration) on the first urine in the AM. That sample tends to be the most concentrated of the day b/c most dogs don't drink a lot overnight. A diluted urine sample CANNOT rule kidney disease in (if you or I drink a lot of water we will have dilute urine but that doesn't mean that we have kidney disease). A concentrated urine sample DOES RULE OUT kidney disease (at least in the classic sense). I would accept a urine specific gravity of 1.026 as ruling out kidney disease to me. (ETA: the SG of 1.026 was for the greyhound about which Dr. Feeman was contacted only and is not a blanket statement for all.) https://greyhound.osu.edu/ Article referred to in item# 1: If you would like to read it, email or PM me and I will send it to you. THANK YOU DR. FEEMAN. ANYONE WHO ANSWERS AN EMAIL AT 12:47 AM IS MY HERO FOR LIFE! FWIW: Have said it many times, after a bout with Acute Renal Failure, my Suze's Creatinine is "normal" at 2.6. All other kidney function test results are well within normal ranges. The subject of Dr. Feeman's email has a "normal" Creatinine of 3.0. These results do not mean that we can "set it and forget it". If nothing else, I am more vigilant now than ever. Suze had a series of blood tests immediately after the ARF to monitor her recovery. One year later, she had the same tests repeated 3 times at 30 day intervals to document her "normal" Creatinine. Urinalysis and SG were done at the same time.
  21. I have read good things about Sam's Yams on this site and remembered to purchase a bag recently, giving all three girls one last night for the very first time. At 3:30 this afternoon, Anna hacked up about 1/2 of one in what looked like perfectly "preserved" chunks. DH just returned with all three from their afternoon walk and reported that both Anna and Suze has undigested "chunks" of sweet potato in their poop. Will have to wait until this evening to see if there's any evidence from Fuzz. I'm not attempting to hijack this thread or trash Sam's Yams. This is the first time I have experienced this with any of my hounds. They all eat the pattern off their bowls every day and never turn up their noses at anything and gobbled up the yams with delight! Anyone ever experience anything like this? To answer the question, I make organic pumpkin treats given 5 days a week and the other two days my crew gets Hartz Crunch 'n Clean Chew Bonz (medium) which is great for keeping their teeth clean.
  22. Bay............what a beautiful name for a beautiiful girl. Your description of her probably doesn't go to the depths of your connection. Those special ones can never be described with the beautiful words they so deserve. I am so sorrry she had to leave sooner than expected. Godspeed, Bay.
  23. Happy Birthday at The Bridge Beautiful Girls! Belated or not, I'll bet every day is like a birthday - at least that's what I want to believe!
  24. Interesting, because a friend's greyhound has been recently diagnosed with epilepsy and the Vet recommended Denamarin which is a combination of the milk thistle extract silymarin and Sam-E. First blood test came back perfect!
  25. Wonderful news! Would he eat his kibble if it were soaked in chicken broth first? Or at least a little bit at a time?
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