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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. FWIW: In general, I don't think we give these guys enough healing time for soft tissue injuries. I have one (6 years old) who sprained a toe in June while running in the yard. ( My three are normally walked in the neighborhood 4x a day for a total of about 3 miles - running in the yard is a treat, done one dog at a time, totally supervised.) She was leash walked for 8 weeks. Even though she had shown no outward signs of discomfort for about 4 weeks, the first time she ran in the yard - and I have a very small yard - she started limping again. She was again leash walked exclusively until last week when I allowed her to run in the yard. While she didn't limp, I could tell that she wasn't entirely comfortable. I will continue to leash walk her for another couple of months and try again.
  2. I suggest De Flea shampoo, Advantage, Adams spray and vacuum, vacuum, vacuum for the next 42 days. We live in FL where fleas are a problem 24/7..
  3. Well, that should stop the accidents in the house. Hugs to everyone. :grouphug
  4. It sounds as though all is returning to its proper alignment. Continued healing for Comet! That is very good news.
  5. Hoping for the best for Buck. :goodluck
  6. I, too, was fairly new to the wonderful world of GT and was heartbroken when Tiger Power lost his battle with osteo. Pat, you were blessed with the greatest gift that a dog can give - trust - especially a dog like Tiger Power who buried his trust deep inside in order to protect his big heart. He was blessed the moment he saw you and he knew it. Love like that doesn't come along every day. :grouphug
  7. I am so very sorry for your loss. My sympathies go out to all who loved her.
  8. :yay Wow! Congrats, Mom! You did it! Chevy has no idea how lucky he is to have a Mom like you! I wonder if that specially formulated corn cream would make a difference in recurrence.
  9. How unthinkable! I am so very, very sorry! Spoil them rotten and take loads of pictures and remember, they live in the present. :grouphug
  10. Oh, no. I am so sorry for your loss. Run with joy in your heart at the Bridge, Lucy! No more pain.
  11. Awww, poor Bill! It's no fun getting oldler. Hope's it's only age related changes. Will be waiting to hear what the good Dr. has to say.
  12. duncan41

    Six Years Ago

    Beautiful face. Beautiful soul. He will be waiting for you.
  13. Precious Princess Littles
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Run like the wind Paradise!
  15. One top of that, the lid was up so he had to balance himself on the seat, I can't believe he gets into some of the things he does. Oh, wait! Let me get a mental picture of that! OMG! Don't you wish you knew what they were thinking?
  16. ...........just:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug .
  17. Did the culture come back with a sensitivity recommendation for which antibiotic would be most appropriate for this particular strep? Assuming that it did and Amoxycillin was the most appropriate treatment, perhaps it wasn't long enough or maybe a follow up with the another recommended antibiotic would be the next step? Are you giving pre/probiotics, Slippery Elm and/or Pepcid to protect his gut? Has a CBC and chem panel been run lately to rule out a lurking underlying condition? The only experience I have with anything similar involves a cat who has had a "sinus infection" for about 8 years secondary to feline herpes viral infection. In his case, the herpes virus makes his system susceptible to opportunistic secondary infections and regardless of which antibiotics are administered, it just doesn't get them all. We have even tried using a culture to manufacture a customized antibiotic in an attempt to immunize him against his own infection. Unfortunately it didn't work due to the variety of bacteria. Sure hope it gets resolved soon!
  18. Oh crap. Not what I was expecting. I am so sorry - especially with everything else that has been going on.
  19. If your Vet is open to consulting with Dr. Couto, that would be the way to go. If not, it certainly wouldn't hurt to get all the labs and surgical/visit notes and send them to OSU yourself. They are wonderful with which to work! Since it's not an emergency situation, you do have time to do some research on your own so that you can become familiar with various treatment options and experiences of others (Circle of Grey on yahoo). If there are no other constraints, a consult with an oncologist, who would be open to consult with OSU, would be helpful. Once you're comfortable that you know enough to make the best decision for Blueberry, you can take the next step. I will keep you and Blueberry tucked gently in my heart and will be sending healing white light and prayers of comfort.
  20. Such good news! Comet, you listen to your Momma and she will make sure you get better in a hurry! Hugs all around! :yay
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