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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Sending healing white light and hugs to comfort everyone. I know the waiting is agonizing. :grouphug
  2. Anna is ten and a half and puts the younger ones to shame in the zoomie department and overall running full out like her tail is on fire. But, I have noticed that she has been getting up from a nap/sleep more slowly these days and it takes her a minute or so to "get going". In the back of my mind, I am preparing myself for the day that she hits the wall - just stops running with enthusiasm, or maybe not at all. Maybe is you "rest" Elsie with leash walks only for a month or so (with treats if she's food motivated?), whatever is ailing her might calm down. That coupled with the move to a house without stairs just might be the ticket for her. If it's age related, she may just be self-regulating her activities to cope with her aches and pains. Supplementation might do her some good, too. As time goes on, I am becoming more and more of a fan of Springtime's Longevity. I am not and have never been a fan or believer in the exaggerated claims of supplements for humans or our pets, but I have done my own little "experimenting" with Longevity and have proven in my mind that it has made a difference. Nothing is going to stop the changes that we see in our pets, but I just want to make the decline as slow and gradual as I can.
  3. Oh, NO! Not only was he gorgeous, but one of my favorites - and I know that I am but one of a legion of others who found him irresistable. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. Praying for beautiful Isis! Hope you get a dx soon! (FWIW: I would culture the discharge.)
  5. Dee - Oh, my! What a rollercoaster! I pray that you get some definitive information in order to make the best decisions for you and Goldie! It's just so heartbreaking! Rest assured that all of GT is behind you, praying, hoping, encouraging and holding you on a cloud of prayers. You may stumble, but you will not fall! No advice - just hugs. Candles are lit in FL, too!
  6. FWIW, I would be inclined to step out of the way and request that my Vet consult with Dr. Couto. An exchange of info might help clear things up. Hope that helps. Sending prayers.
  7. Yes, I would be nervous, too. All good questions. Those with more knowledge than will jump in soon, I am sure. Pepcid is always ok as far as I know and will be most effective as long as it is given 30 to 60 minutes prior to eating. Since this is Sunday night, I assume that your friend would be in the phone with her Vet first thing in the AM? Other than that, the only other questions I would have would be if a urinalysis was done from the first urine catch of the day? Was blood drawn for CBC and metabolics (kidney/liver)? Sending prayers for a quick and simple dx.
  8. It was probably a little of both. That's good news about Stampede's progress! :grouphug
  9. The lighter hair may be as a result of what his body perceives as an "injury" to the follicle. As to the cause, I have no idea. Did the regrowth begin before or after you re-introduced the melatonin?
  10. I have no clue and the possibilities are endless, but are these isolated incidents or are they all still sick?
  11. Happy Bridge Birthday, Booker!
  12. The first year and all the reminders are the hardest. I hope that the promise of Springtime helps to heal your heart.
  13. duncan41


    Beautiful. I am so sorry! :grouphug
  14. duncan41


    You have some very special memories to help heal your heart. I am very sorry for your loss.
  15. Bumping for more info. Please post if your dog (any dog) has had any kind of reaction. Thanks!
  16. Can't add anything to what has been posted. Just know that I will keep you and your girl tucked tightly in my prayers.
  17. If it's not related to food, I would go back and explore the throid issue. I heard Dr. Couto address the thyroid - to-treat-or-not-to-treat controversy in Greyhounds. The bottom line? Dr. Couto stated: "I treat dogs, not test results."
  18. Bumping for information about the vaccine that caused a problem for Cash.
  19. Absolutely. That way, by the time Dakota has his stitches out, you'll have been able to contact Dr. Couto's team & hit the ground running with your treatment decision. Cause 7.5 is still a baby. And don't feel weird about contacting OSU - they're waiting for your call. Well not really but they are extraordinary. And welcome to Greytalk. Make that two who agree! Do not wait. You are in control of Dakota's treatment options, but in order to make the best decision for you and him, you must have the pathology report in front of you and available to send to OSU. They are incredible! Dr. Couto is absolutely the best there is. Welcome to GT! I am sorry it is under these circumstances, but you won't find a better resource for knowledge, understanding and compassion.
  20. Did he race? If he did, he may have sustained an injury that is causing him some discomfort in the cold. His age and medical history could influence your next step if it doesn't resolve on its own. If it were my dog, I would x-ray if it didn't go away in a few days or if it appeared to be worsening, but I tend to pull the trigger early because limping scares the heck out of me.
  21. Reminds me of a friend's little girl. She was THIN! She was extremely happy,healthy, meticulously cared for, lived to be 13+ years old and went to the Bridge when her back legs finally gave out. She could have eaten as much as she wanted, but would walk away from her bowl when she had enough.
  22. She was an inspiration to many! :beatheart
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