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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. That may be true of most dogs, but we don't necessarily know the effects of using these chemicals over a lifetime (I did look for studies, there are none that I could find) and we don't know how these chemicals might affect a dog with a compromised immune system. Even disregarding that thought, why would I give her nearly double the dosage she needs? Worst case scenario, I will cut the tablets so that I'm giving her a more appropriate dose for her weight. Even if you want to look at it from a more practical standpoint because you don't have the same concerns I do, it's a waste of money. I agree! I want the most result from the smallest "bang" for my buck.
  2. :hope :hope Hoping and praying that UF will have an answer.
  3. Had a cat with it and lost him to complications for long term use of Prednisone to control the inflammation. Had I to do it all over again, I would have had all of his teeth pulled because he had a hard time eating was very, very uncomfortable. But, before doing anything that extreme, consider a biopsy to get a firm dx. A friend's dog has beautiful teeth because she tends to them every day, without fail, but the worst gums and breath like a sewer. Pulsing with antibiotics helps, but it's not a cure.
  4. I am so sorry this is happening to Manny and to you! Will pray that Manny turns the corner soon. :grouphug
  5. You might want to think about contacting Dr. Suzanne Stack. There was some "discussion" in our area recently about the correct dose of Ivomec for controlling/preventing heartworm versus a common dosing practice at some tracks for controlling other parasites. The difference is huge.
  6. :yay Hooray for happy endings! Don't you just love it when a series of events come together perfectly? The good news is that Bond doesn't have osteo and the good news is that he's in his forever and the better news is that Katie will be failing fostering! Bless you and welcome to Greytalk! Hope to hear more success stories from you very soon!
  7. Haven't been here since my last post and was hoping to knot see a topic with Robin's name. Oh, poor guy and poor Mom! If your Vet feels that time is of the essence and the Vet school can't get him in, there is an excellent Specialty Clinic just around the corner that has a stellar reputation, Please consider having your Vet contact them. I will be praying - hard! Institute of Veterinary Specialists 3603 NW 98th Street, Suite A Gainesville, FL 32606 Phone: 352-331-4233 Fax: 352-331-5211
  8. Sending prayers. Will be interesting to see what happens (or what doesn't happen) when he's off the Prednisone. Hopefully nothing. I'm sorry, did you say how much longer he will be on cephalexin? I would be preparing myself for the biopsy - just in case that decision needs to be made in the near future. Questions that I would have IIWM: What is the purpose of the biopsy? What conditions can be diagnosed using this method? What other possible diagnosis cannot be confirmed using biopsy? If nothing definitive comes back, what is the next step? Regardless, Robin does look a whole lot better! He sound like he feels pretty good, too, from your description. Hope he stays that way! Praying for some real answers and soon!
  9. Beryl, you have had more than your share of sorrows, but I am sure that those who have gone on ahead would not want you to mourn, but rather remember them and all the things cute and funny that made them special. I am sure the aspirin caper was just one of a hundred that you will be remembering today. Regardless of where you find yourself today, know that many of us here are with you in spirit and keeping you tucked tightly in our prayers. :grouphug
  10. duncan41

    Goodbye Gladys

    I am so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl and much too young. Gladys, watch over those you left behind. Godspeed, precious.
  11. Haven't been on in a couple of days and have been thinking about and praying for Rainey. How is she doing? I hope there's some relief from those horrid side effects! Sending prayers for you and Rainey! :grouphug
  12. It sounds as though you two were meant for each other and so lucky to have found one another. I am so sorry he had to leave. Memphis, watch over your Mom. Godspeed, handsome!
  13. I am very sorry for your loss.
  14. Such a handsome guy! I am so sorry he couldn't stay longer, but for him, it was just long enough. Thank your GF for taking him in a time in his life when he really needed someone and thank you for sharing his life and giving him all the reason in the world to stick around and enjoy life some more. Godspeed, Tiger. You will be missed!
  15. duncan41


    Gorgeous boy. I am so sorry he had to leave. Godspeed Truffles.
  16. I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers and hugs to all who loved and will miss Groucho. :grouphug
  17. With tears streaming down my cheeks and my heart breaking for you, all I can do is type the words, I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing those wonderful memories of Bear. He was truly a very special boy. Godspeed, Bear. :grouphug
  18. Oh, I am so very sorry. So precious. I am sure all the broodies are fussing over her.
  19. Beautiful story, beautiful boy. You two were meant for each other. I am so sorry for your loss. May your memories of his sparkling personality begin to heal your heart. Run pain free, Chester and watch over your Mom.
  20. Some guys don't care for or do well with rice. Pasta or potatoes could be an alternative for a filler with boiled/drained hamburger, turkey or chicken - just make sure it's low fat because the last thing that sweet boy needs is pancreatitis. Hope he feels better soon! Kisses and scritches from FL!
  21. <br /><br /><br /> ...........but what about the rest of the description: bald, moderate activity and always hungry? Is that the same? One of mine has what I call cyclical incontinence; twice a year she leaks like a sieve. No one knows why. FWIW: I would try the antibiotics first, as if he had a TBD. Good luck and update when you can.
  22. I don't know how I missed this, but it reads like a roller coaster. First, welcome to GT. I am so sorry that you decided to join our "family" under these circumstances, but please know that you aren't alone - a lot of us (me, too) joined because of a crisis. It's wonderful that your guy is still doing so well, and like you said, every day is a blessing. Sending prayers for many more good days with your boy, filled with blessings.
  23. Good girl, Maddy! Hope tomorrow brings even more improvement!
  24. Oohhh! Just seeing this. Give that boy a bucket of kisses and scritches! He has really had it lately, huh? Here's to better days ahead.
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