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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. That's not a foster failure - that was a set-up! She is beautiful and has landed in the perfect spot for her. Congratulations! May you have many wonderful times together with Sadie. I love the name, too, by the way. It fits her so well.
  2. What a beautiful face! I am so very sorry for your loss.
  3. My vet cuts me a break since I have so many, have been a long-term client and he is retiring. Zoe's dental was 228.00, plus 115.00 for pre-op blood work, and about 50.00 for antibiotics and pain meds. She needed 4 extractions, but he threw that in as a Christmas gift to me, bless his heart. Otherwise, it is 22.00 - 80.00 per tooth, depending on the tooth and level of difficulty in removing them - roots, etc.
  4. I am so sorry. I am happy that she was able to find a good couch and a good place for her pups.
  5. Thank you for sharing your beautiful girl with us. What a great birthday gift. The gift that keeps on giving.
  6. Thanks for the update! I was wondering how he was doing.
  7. dante2zoe

    Gustav's Gone

    What a handsome guy! I am so very sorry.
  8. I am so very sorry. Luna, you and your husband are in my thoughts. Rest well, beautiful girlie.
  9. I thought this was just in the wrong forum! I am so very sorry. There are no words.
  10. My whippet will be 15 in January. I got him when he was 11. There is a questionnaire (for the life of me I cannot recall where i saw it) for canine cognitive dysfunction. Poor Boo has it. He gets lost in the house sometimes and forgets what he was doing. He tends to sleep A LOT. He doesn't seek the greys out, but he has no fear of them and usually walks underneath them. However, he is happy and eats like a champ. I have him on Cholodin, which seems to help. Anipryl (I think that is the medication - it is used primarily for Parkinson's in humans) is recommended but is very costly. I also had him try ProNeurozone (you can get that from Amazon) but I didn't see any improvement. Several times I think he is getting ready to go, but he has yet to really give up. Winter is really bad for him. Not the weather so much, but that it is always dark when I can get them outside. He does sundown, so I have lights on timers to go on and keep the house lit. I also have a dog door, which has helped a lot. He tends to forget that he needs to go and, therefore, would constantly have accidents. He goes outside to do his business, forgets why he was there, comes back in, remembers, goes back out. Can you tell I love my little old man? Good luck and you can pm me if you have any other questions or need to commiserate. Cindy
  11. What a beautiful girl. I am so sorry that you haven't been able to get her to eat. You will be in my thoughts as you travel this final path with your girl. I hope you continue to progress from your stroke, too. Many hugs.
  12. Those little ones can have such a huge presence. I am so very sorry. Thank you for sharing your special wannabe with us. Cindy
  13. Wow, what a blessing for both of you! I am so very sorry for your tremendous loss. She is quite the special lady. Your DH have a brother?
  14. I am so happy that she is doing so well! May she continue to thrive.
  15. My female is space agressive. When I am just taking the greyhounds in the car, she rides shotgun (seat belted with the air bag off) and the boys ride in the back. I always have the radio or ipod on and would sing to her as we drove. She would tilt her head like she was listening. When the whippet comes along, too, Zoe goes in the back with the other greys. If she starts to snark, I play her music for her and she calms down. She tends to prefer Train or Maroon 5. Sounds crazy, but you can tell. I don't know if it is the tone or that a lot of the music is more acoustic or what. But, I don't fix what ain't broke!
  16. Thinking of you and Pinky this morning. I hope all goes well!
  17. I have a pair of littermate boys. They were separated for about 18 months. They did recognize each other, in the sense that a quick sniff and they went off together shoulder to shoulder. While they both sleep on my bed (to the chagrin of my other dogs), they are not cuddlers. However, they constantly rest their heads on each other and seem comfortable. One, who is more confident, has brought confidence to my shy boy, that he didn't have with my other male or my female. I love having littermates!
  18. dante2zoe


    Lovely tribute for your lovely girl. May all your wonderful memories bring you comfort. I am so sorry. She is missed. Cindy
  19. Others with a lot more experience will chime in, but from my perspective this was totally your wife's fault, for lack of better term. He was on his bed, he was uncomfortable, she didn't stop. He felt he had no choice. Use the muzzle, work slowly with the nails - not sure which method you were using, clipper v. dremel, have him stand up, treats after every foot or toe, depending on the situation. Or, go to PetsMart or your vet or somewhere like that and have them trim the nails until things are more comfortable and you and your wife understand your dog's language better. Heaven knows it took me long enough to understand what they were trying to tell me! This shouldn't be a deal breaker. How is he today? How is your wife?
  20. What a wonderful and fitting tribute for your wonderful boy. May he find all the red heels and purple polish that he desires! That's a great name, btw. I love that movie. Just watched it again a couple weeks ago! Stay away from those pirn tablets!
  21. Gorgeous. I am so sorry.
  22. A life well lived. She will be missed. I am so sorry, Nancy. Cindy
  23. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry. Your tribute was lovely. How is Vernon?
  24. dante2zoe

    Chase Is Gone

    What a better world this would be if there were more people like you in it. You were her world. And it was good. I am so very sorry. It stinks.
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