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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. What a lovely tribute for a beautiful soul. I am so very sorry.
  2. I am so very sorry. I was hoping that she would rally for you.
  3. My condolences. My Sheba cat lived to 19 and her sister, Melanie, to 22. May your grandmother's Sheba meet mine!
  4. My whippet had severe SA when we got him. He bent the bars on a crate, too. Needless to say, it is still folded up and in the garage. Colmicalm didn't help him, either. We switched him to generic Prozac and it helped. Reconcile is the doggie version - it is the chewable form. It helped enough to take the edge off so we could work on alone training. I have had him for 3 years and he is off the meds and doing well, SA-wise. (He has a whole host of other issues that are not related.) Having another sighthound really helped him, too.
  5. When I need Goose to move off my pillow and to his spot at the foot of the bed, I call his name and pat where he is supposed to go. He usually needs about three tries to get there because he really isn't ready to give up his warm spot. He learned it pretty quickly because, otherwise, he lost privileges. He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he learned that one quickly! Mty boy likes his comfort, I guess.
  6. I adopted an elderly whippet with severe SA. That is one reason why he ended up being returned. Anyway, I finally placed him on generiz prozac, which took the edge off enough to work with his issues. That was 3 years ago. He is no longer on the medication. He still urinates in the house, but that's due to other health issues, but hasn't destroyed anythign in the house for years. Thankfully, it worked for us. Nothing else did. But, I also had two greys in the house with him.
  7. I vaguely recall someone posting a while ago about giving their dog milk and that seemed to help. I must admit, I have not searched for the thread, though.
  8. dante2zoe


    I am so very, very sorry. I was following and hoping for a better outcome. My heart breaks with yours. It is so obvious how much he was loved and how much he loved in return.
  9. I am so very sorry. I was hoping that she would beat the odds.
  10. Keeping Gracie and your family in my thoughts.
  11. I have a whippet who had severe separation anxiety. (long story) Anyway, plain behavior modification did not work. I had to use medication to take the edge off and then work with him. I am happy to report that he is a completely different dog. He is no longer on medication. However, due to other issues, he periodically gets a melatonin before I leave. It just makes him sleepy and more relaxed. While that doesn't answer your question about the tea, maybe it can reassure you about dealing with the problem on more than one level. BTW, rescue remedy didn't help us.
  12. Welcome from Maryland! I am also owned by a whippet, 14 year old Indy, in addition to my greys. I could never be without one - whippets or greys!
  13. I am so very, very sorry. I have been watching and praying for a good outcome for you both. What love you to shared. May we all be so blessed.
  14. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your beautiful girl.
  15. Purple is the color of Royalty. She wears it well. I am so sorry.
  16. I am so very sorry. Tally sounds like such a special soul.
  17. It sounds so inadequate, but I am very sorry for your losses and all at once. I cannot imagine the pain.
  18. You are an awesome mom to your Princess. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  19. I will be thinking of you guys today and am sending good thought and white light! Please keep us posted.
  20. I am so sorry. I, too, have had guinia pigs before and they are quite the characters!
  21. Keeping Dude, Chris and family tucked tightly in my thoughts. Hope the consult goes well. Cindy
  22. White and prayers from another Marylander to you! RobinM went through some really dark periods with one of her boys due to severe IBD. Hopefully, she can chime in and relay her experiences. Her pup is alive and well today.
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