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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Welcome! I have littermates boys and love it! They were separated for over a year but remembered each other. They are the Yin to their Yang. Goose and Maverick are opposite in looks and temperament but compliment each other perfectly. Enjoy! Cindy
  2. I will have to! You near the park? I am across 107 down the road from the high school. As you can see from my siggie, everyone knows when we are coming! It's like a clown car watching them all unload!
  3. Get out! I live in Poolesville! Where are you in town? Welcome and congratulations! Cindy
  4. Your tribute was wonderful. It wasn't rambling, you gave all of us an opportunity to know your beautiful girl. I am so very sorry.
  5. Welcome! You will get all kinds of advice, suggestions and experiences with your questions. It is good to think ahead and look for the pratfalls; for that I applaud you. I know of lots of people with greys (and other dogs, for that matter) who are gone for 10 hours a day and the dog is alone. A potty break mid day is good. I have a dog door, which won't work for you, but it allows me to work all day and still have them comfortable. Lots of others live in apartments/condos with their dogs, too. We go to the park once a week (just got back, actually), but it is for greyhound playgroup. All hounds, all muzzled. We are diligent with our hounds and haven't had a major incident. My dogs have gotten their skin tears in my backyard! I am also sorry for the loss of your lab. It is like losing a limb. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  6. That was so incredibly moving. Thank you. I fear the day that I will lose one. They are my first dogs, ever, and each own my heart in their own special way.
  7. Oh, Amber and Soul, I am so very sorry. I loved your Archie stories. He will live long in many, many hearts. Cindy
  8. I am so sorry. What a beautiful girl.
  9. dante2zoe

    Rip Jules

    I am so very sorry. My condolences to those who knew and loved her. What a special trio they were.
  10. Your tribute was beautiful. Thank you for sharing her. My sympathies to those who knew and loved her. She sounds wonderful. Gotta love those red-headed step kids! Got one of my own.
  11. Oh my. I am so very sorry. So much heartache for you this week. What a handsome boy. My condolences.
  12. dante2zoe


    I am so sorry. I so feel for your children, too. It is so very hard.
  13. I am just so very sorry. He is a beautiful soul, inside and out.
  14. My whippet had an allergic reaction to something interceptor and would get projectile D the next day. Took me two months to figure that one out. Yuck. Needless to say, he doesn't take that anymore.
  15. dante2zoe


    Your photographs gave all of us a glimpse of Johnny's beautiful soul. I am so very sorry.
  16. I feed raw and have no idea about the connection. However, I haven't had a flea on the dogs for over 4 years. Hope I didn't just jinx myself! But, the cats don't have any either and I don't treat them unless necessary. I just wish there was a connection for ticks.
  17. I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your handsome boy. My sympathies to those who knew and loved him.
  18. My 14 year old whippet has it, but not to an excessive degree - yet. Anipryl is really expensive. I have him on Cholodin, a dietary supplement that was recommended to be taken in conjunction with the Anipryl. It hasn't made him 100%, but he does seem better on it. He also seemed to have the most problems at dusk (sundowning) and I was able to help that, too, but having lights on timers to go on before dusk so the house never gets completely dark. I also try to keep his environment structured. I don't do things at the same time, but try to do them in the same order. I think that has also helped him to have security in his day-to-day activities.
  19. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  20. There are no words to express my condolences. I am so very surprised to see his name and so very sorry. My son, Kevin, always enjoyed reading about your Kevin.
  21. Good luck with the treatment! We just finished it, also here in Maryland! My vet divided the doxy dose into a twice a day regime instead of once a day. Dante has a sensitive stomach. I also gave him probiotics during treatment. When his gut got really bad, we also gave him Flagyl. He was symptomatic, however, and is now a 1000x better than before. Cindy
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