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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Thank you for adding Paris. She may have been little in stature, but she was huge in personality and presence. Both of our girls gone in 6 weeks. We are completely gutted.
  2. I have had three dogs with this diagnosis and with two of them, the diagnosis was made when the bone broke. (There were zero indications of anything amiss prior to the break.) I don't wish that scenario on any one. With Dante, I was much younger and able to carry him to the car myself. With Maverick, his break was in the middle of the leg, which is way more painful. We muzzled him to avoid fear/pain biting. With Sherman, we elected for pain management for many reasons. He was already uncomfortable at the time of diagnosis and deteriorated rapidly as the medications did not reduce his pain adequately. If I recall, he was taking gabapentin, a pain reliever, and an NSAID. There is no worry about liver or kidney issues at that point. We spoiled the literal poop out of him and pre-scheduled his passing within the anticipated time frame. We still ended up taking him in earlier as it became too much. If you have a Lap of Love vet near you, make sure you ask about emergency visits. There are no at home services in our area. Our vet was not able/willing to provide us with any strong emergency pain medication in case of a break, despite all the letters after David's name. Sherman got to have chocolate and every single thing he may have ever wanted. He crossed this world with a mouth full of the famous GT PB cookies and left us with heartbreak and the worst gas EVER, lol. I am so devastated by your news. Please give our bestest polka-dot bowtie boy gentle scritches from us. Cindy
  3. I hope she will be your happy bouncy hike leader for quite a while yet! Keeping all in my thoughts.
  4. Happy Gotcha Day! I am sure you will celebrate in style!
  5. Littermates! You are beyond lucky! I LOVED having littermates! Congrats!
  6. So much wisdom in the eyes and heart of a senior. I am so sorry that it was her time to leave. I cannot imagine how loud the silence is now with her gone. Wishing you peace.
  7. Nice work, Wiki! When I was a kid, we had a cat that stalked a charred hot dog for almost an entire day. She finally came home with it at dinnertime and was extraordinarily pleased with her catch! One of my best memories of her. Wiki, I hope your turkey burger was worth the effort!
  8. We called our Goose a silly goose as he was afraid of everything - until his littermate brother, Maverick, arrived. Then all was rite in his whirled. Maverick was known as ShoMe and we had Zoe then, so that would not have worked either. No, we haven't called him Angus Beefcake, but I may have to do that! He is a huge leaner and those 76 pounds completely pressed against you become quite the force! Congrats with Doolin and I hope you do not have to use his full name too often. That middle name is quite the mouthful!
  9. Congrats! You have great taste in names! Goose's official name was Shotgun which was not going work for us. We were going to call him Gunner and my son said to just call him Goose, the gunner in Top Gun. Thankfully we did, as we got new neighbors a couple months later whose husband was Gunner. THAT could have been real awkward - "Gunner pee now!" We currently have an Angus - a big black and white cow dog. He bounced to us when his previous owner was diagnosed with a terminal condition. And, my son's name is Kevin. He chatters a lot, too. Wishing you much happiness with this new journey.
  10. I don't even bother to test anymore, to be honest. Zeke gets 5 days of SafeGuard with a dose of pyrantel palomate (however it is spelled), followed by AM. For two weeks, his stool is great. Then, it deteriorates and we are back to mush. Literally, it is wash, rinse, repeat. My vet just wants him on hypoallergenic food, so I know the Profender treatment will never fly with her. When we first got him, I treated him for an active case for 8 months and everything was clear. Then, it came back 8 months later and we have been battling it again since last September. So frustrating. And, I know it cannot be comfortable. At least with monthly treatment, the horrendous gas is gone and he is no longer biting at his sides, which apparently can be a symptom, too. Angus had quite the case, too, when he landed here and he had been receiving aggressive treatment at his last home. It looks like he is now in the clear, but I do not take that for granted. I loathe hookworms!
  11. I am so sorry is way too inadequate. I have an almost 13 YO here with a terminal condition and this hit way too close to home. I also had a fighter to the very end and it made things even harder. My heart is broken with and for you and John as you figure out how to navigate your new normal. I wish you much peace. Sweep, beautiful girl, you really need to send your people a sign that all is well. Hugs, Cindy
  12. We have what they call a 3 rail livestock fence for the dogs. It is similar to split rail, but the posts are 4x4s with deer wire stretched on the outside and then 15s are nailed to the posts, locking the wire in, if that makes sense. Ours is 5 feet high. We wanted to be able to see beyond the fence as the dog yard is only part of our property and doesn't follow property lines. We are lucky that no one is a jumper and they do not go completely nuts went deer are wandering by. Home lots here are at least 4 acres so limiting contact with a neighbor isn't an issue. My last house had a 6 foot privacy fence, but it followed the property line and gave me space from the neighbors.
  13. I am sorry to read this and will keep you in my thoughts. As I mentioned before, Sherman spent his last day eating all kinds of things and would strongly second the suggestion for chocolate. Wishing you much peace as Su prepares for the next chapter. Lordy, I loathe osteo.
  14. I am so very sorry. When Sherman was diagnosed, the vet figured he would have a couple months. The pain increased faster than thought (His tumor was in his knee). I literally spoiled the cr@p out of our boy. He got to eat everything that he wasn't not allowed to have. He decided chocolate was wonderful, so he got some more. He went to the bridge with a mouthful of peanut butter cookie. Once the meds had to be upped and he was more drugged than not, we let him go. I just only hope that the pain in our hearts was nowhere close to what he felt. You and Su are in my thoughts.
  15. It is such fun to watch them run! Glad you were able to witness it. I would check with some local groups and see if there is a greyhound meet-up near you. Don't forget her muzzle, though, as that is required with these groups.
  16. How could anyone forget Paddy Mayhem? Such sweet memories - they will live forever inside our hearts.
  17. I am just so terribly sorry. Jeter is one of those dogs that I just loved without ever meeting him. I have a kitchen helper, too, and cannot imagine how difficult it is to prepare meals without your sidekick. Wishing you peace.
  18. I sent all mine out at the beginning of this week and the post office wished me good luck with the international cards making it on time. Fingers crossed.
  19. Oh, No! I am beyond sorry for your loss. I am sure that he stayed much longer with you than he would have with anyone else. Hugs.
  20. Zoe grieved so deeply that she was hardly even eating and would just lie around in a very uncharacteristic fashion. I even had two others at the time, but she lost her favorite. After 6 weeks, I got another dog. Fancy really struggled and even after 4 months she was still having a tough time. Her method of "coping" was to walk and/or jog for hours every day. It was exhausting and that intense need to keep moving stopped when Paris walked in the door. I am so sorry you and Skye are experiencing this - it is tough.
  21. I used to prepare a breakfast buffet for Indy, my whippet, and then again for Brady, my senior greyhound. I put out a spread every morning. Waffles with applesauce or peanut butter worked most of the time as I could hand feed little pieces. Now, Fancy has been diagnosed with early stage kidney failure and we are at the top of the slipper food slope again. It can be so frustrating but then you feel like you won the lottery when they eat a meal! Sending our best thoughts and hope Jeter continues to enjoy his progressive dinner parties!
  22. I am just so very sorry. Our vet thought Sherman would have more time, but his pain cranked up, too, and we had to let him go much quicker than planned. He did enjoy his extra treats and went to the bridge with a mouth full of Miss Jan's peanut cookies. Wishing you peace and your beautiful Violet a peaceful journey. I hope Skye is able to adjust easily to her new normal, too. Thinking of you this afternoon.
  23. Hope she gets to celebrate her day in style! Such a happy Punkin!
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