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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. she has had stomach issues for the past month. I have decided to try my own route right now..no sulfa and change of food. she was tested for just about everything and it all came back normal.
  2. vet wants to try lexie on purino dco. Was wondering if anyone tired it? oh and vet wants her on a sulfa drug? for a few days? Any bad side effects? I am a lil nervous about that
  3. ok so the last 2 days it's not working ..we havent changed anything new i asked them to send me some samples..so I hope they send some soon..ty for the advice.
  4. wow!! ty for the link..that is half the cost of what i paid
  5. ok so she had a half cinnamon wafer yesterday..she loved it...2 hours later...the best poop i have seen in a month!!!! wohooo. I think I will give her a half wafer once a day or a lil while..ty ty all...next..to change food but will give this wafer thing a week or so so I know whats working
  6. ty everyone will let ya know how it goes ( no pun intended)
  7. so it is ok without water? lexie says if rocket liked em she will too
  8. I want to try the metamucil for lexie. I know some of u give the wafers..do i give a whole or 1/2 of one? Lexie doesn't drink a lot of water till night time so is it safe to give her the wafer with her morning meal or when should i give it..ty..The probiotic seems to be helping her loose stools but I think she needs something along to help her so I thought i would try the meta..ty for all helpful suggestions( i just bought the wafers today but didn't give her any yet)
  9. i forgot i was going to ask him about that too ty for the reminder no..i never even heard of those..lol is that dog food or medicine? she almost caught a beaver today...i don't know why all the animals come in our fenced yard..they must have a death wish
  10. tests came back all good. ( she was having diarrhea).vet said to continue the probiotic and the tylon powder which she has been on for three years. He said to call him in a week and he may change her food back to a prescription high fiber food . WD i think he called it? I am glad the tests are normal but she still isnt her "normal" He said sometimes it may take a few weeks to see any improvement with the probiotic.
  11. She seems better (knock on wood) Vet put her on a chewy probiotic and that is helping. Blood and samples tests will be back wed. This vet deals with 2 rescue grey groups which is good. He said the most common thing he sees with the greys is they get diarrhea a lot..and they have bad teeth. He said Lexie's teeth look real good I try and brush them everyday. He said ii is highly unlikely she caught anything from during therapy work. Lexie wanted Rocket to know that she is not contagious
  12. Vet had me try them for lexie. they are chews..she loves em but they are quite expensive 28 dollars for 60..anyone have a comparable one they love? Did they help your dog? ty
  13. I am tring boiled chicken and Ty all for the helpful hints .. U guys always come to the rescue
  14. ((prayers))) and ((hugs)) for your pup too
  15. lol..ohio...south..if u go to any of the metroparks or woodsy areas, we get a lot of mosquitos other than that just don't expect a lot of sun..always cloudy here..lol july weather usually is in the low 80's..however some years we have reached 90's and humid..it's kind of a crap shoot with our weather..ten minutes it could be raining, then ten minutes later sun is out and hot...but have a good trip
  16. It has been a day since i stopped the flagyl and she is like 50 percent better. I see the new vet on friday.. will redo stool sample and have my list of questions for him yes my goose down feathered 80 dollar pillow... lol..I am sleeping on foam is that love or what???
  17. oh wow that is really cool..ty for sharing
  18. ty all. I am going to stop the meds and just feed her usual grain free dog food with her tylon powder. She has been on that for 3 years. I am seeing a new vet on friday. I got his name thru our adoption site and he is grey savy. My vet doesn't have too much experience with greys. I will ask them to do the stool sample like u guys recommended to look for I also take probiotics. I will wait till after i see the vet before starting them..ty
  19. ty everyone..i might just put it in her applesauce..i dont know why these past 3 years i have been doing it the hard way with the cornstarch..i just assumed they couldnt take it straight..
  20. I was told for years from vet to mix 1 tsp of tylon with 9 Tablespoons of cornstaarch.. I have been reading that i could put the powder into empty capsules..how much powder would i put in? Where can i buy the empty capsules and is there an easy way to pour it in?
  21. so the vet said stay on the flagyl even though i thought it was making her worse and put her on rice..she is on a grain free diet..anyway today her cage was a mess..she never got sick in her cage in the 4 years we have had her. I called the vet and he said he forgot no rice . I told him that pill was making her worse. He told me to stop it and see what happens. He said to give her a probiatic and try that. poor lexie.. and poor me.. i wore gloves and scrubbed and cleaned all 3 comforters.. the two down pillows had to throw away ..I felt so bad for her I gave her my only pillow...lol..she has been wanting to eat grass outside this morning so i know her tummy is bothering her still... I may give her half of immodium. what do u guys think?
  22. so i added rice and gave the whole pill ..a few hours later..boooommmmm really bad..my gut feeling says it is the pill.. and she cant have grains so the rice was a no no..lexie isnt the "normal dog" I think the vet forgot that I may just stop the pill and up her tylen powder and the get another sample in a few days. What do u guys think? Of course I will let the vet know in the morning.
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