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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. She is relaxed now and no stretching again ( so far). I gave her the gas x. I heard gurgling sounds before i even gave her the gas x
  2. Lexie threw up this afternoon a few hours after her reg meal. two hours after tonights usually snack (regular), she is constantly stretching (like when waking up) and looks uncomfortable. Is there anything I should give to ease her stomach problems? If thats even what it is? She has never thrown up before or stetched like this before in the 4 years we have had her. I know she didn't get into anything in the yard cause I have been walking her since it has been so cold here.
  3. Lexie sits first to the side then slams down too. U can her it Wherever u are in the house..lol.. When she gets back up it's with her front feet first
  4. rschultz

    Gustav's Gone

    So sorry for your loss
  5. so so sorry ((((hugs))))))))))))
  6. so sorry (((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))
  7. wow i wish mine were less.. 6..probably could be less but I work part time so I am home a lot.
  8. I am a music teacher so yes, I think music can soothe dogs. When we first brought Lexie home, we kept the radio on for her at night. The oldies since that's what they played at the kennel. I did some experimenting and found she prefered oldies over classical or rock....lol.. Oh and she doesn't like to hear single instruments played.. Maybe I just need to practice more??
  9. when our 18 year old dog wouldn't eat we tried chicken livers. I just sauteed them with a lil oil. dogs love the smell. ((((prayers and hugs))))
  10. I am sure others will be more helpful than me but when our previous dog who was 18 years old (not a grey) wouldn't eat, we fed her chicken livers. I just sauteed them up in a lil oil..they are really cheap. the dogs love the smell of them. Our vet also showed us how to give her iv fluids to keep her hydrated so I didn't have to keep going back to the vet weekly to do that. Maybe your vet can show u. I paid for a few bags of the fluids. It wasn't hard to do. if I could do it anyone can cause I am not a big fan of needles..but it was easy. sending prayers and hugs
  11. We had some tell us that Lexie could never be a therapy dog. We did a lot of repetition. I mean like 20-3 times a day...lol.. Lexie was food and praise motivated. Maybe try some special small treat and only use that for training purposes. It did take Lexie a long time. I even "practiced" with her at some nursing homes that didn't require certification before she took her official test. Just lots of repetition. She will get it.
  12. luv the 4 jammies too We take lexie on long walks ( 1 mile) so anything below 30 she wears her coat. she doesn't mind wearing it and will shake when she is too cold. She hates boots and dh wont let her wear jammies. he says they are embarassing
  13. so so sorry. sending healing prayers (((((hugs))))))))))))))))))
  14. Well, I just got them in the mail today..I don't know what I was thinking?? Did I think they would look like a bone?? I gave one to Lexie..She loved it. I just have to not think of what they are when I give them to her
  15. I mix the precise with natural balance venison. it seems to work well for Lexie.
  16. Lexie has always had a sensitive tummy for 4 years. We have tried several brands as well as vet prescription brands. We switched to precise foundation about 6-8 months ago as a reccomendation from a gretalker, and love it. There isn't a store near us that carries it either so I order it through national pet pharmecy. They deliver quick and is only 5 bucks to deliver. I have also ordered from petfood.com but sometimes they are out. Both are reasonable. I just remembered that we give her a mixture of precise and nature's basket venison and sweet potato. The combo of both dog foods work wonders for us. I buy the natures brand at any pet supermarket.
  17. Bestbully sticks.com has them and i was wondering if anyone tried them?
  18. i put in small pieces of banana or cooked sweet potato and then freeze
  19. congrats on your new sister(double the b day cake your turn and hers)
  20. don't forget we all want to see a lot of pics..of both dogs
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