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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. sending hugs hope you are able to figure this out
  2. I have no advice/info to add but wanted to send prayes and well wishes
  3. thanks so much That helps a lot on why he stressed to watch out for changes.
  4. Dr prescribed (crap why do they write so you cant read the bottle) Carprofen? its an anitinflamatory. He said to be cautious of her not eating or having bloody stools. Ok that freaked me out so I need some GT help here to see if its safe. He wanted to see if it could be inflamation in the toe before we take the toe off (posted few weeks ago about her limping due to corns and asking advice about limping and removal of the toe)
  5. That is wonderfull news. Thanks for helping them out and hopefully they will find a TRUE forever home (one that will take care of them and not let care lapse) and will be able to stay together
  6. Run free Buck and hugs to you Pam
  7. just remember no muzzle unless ALL dogs are muzzled. (they cant protect themselves)
  8. ya not an evet thing as long as you can controll the bleeding. Psi did this last week lucky it was during the day so off to vet we went. They had to remove the toe nail since it wasnt really attached. We had to keep the bandage from getting wet for 3 days. All is fine. Good luck
  9. Tons of Prayers for Quality and Big hugs for you
  10. yep price varies due to area. But yep sounds right esp for molars
  11. no experience but wanted to send well wishes
  12. Great news! hope he continues to heal quickly
  13. The other two have no issue eating it, but was my first thought so I bought another bag and nope wont eat unless it has goodies in it then mainly eats around the kibble he is on Soloxin .6 2x a day yes like that just not quite so pronounced. edited to add: he is on antiobiotics for his ripped toenail but the eating thing was a day before he tore it They were checked 6 mo ago but I may ask the vet when we go in tues for his bandage removal
  14. checking in to see how it is all going.( is the girl still at the foster home or did the other ppl snatch her up)
  15. Welcome back...Simbas eyes are stunning(two diff colors)
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