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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. well wishes for Miles. I bet even tho he looses the teeth he will be a new hound in no time
  2. She is such a trooper. She is up and doing great. She still keeps the foot up (front right) but forgets when she gets excited and will use it for a few steps. She goes in on Friday for bandage change. On a side note she came to us with a shorter tail. I was looking at the tip tonight and found 2 staples. So I am going to see if vet can remove them cause I sure couldnt. I guess it pays for me to be such a "checker" Guen wanted to thank all for the well wishes
  3. Congrats from another socal peep. A group of us get together for a greyhound only walk on Sundays in Claremont. If you and your pup would like to join us email me and I will put you on our reminder list wendy
  4. I feel so bad for her. I know this is for the best but it breaks my heart. Hopefully it is a quick recovery. Any advice on helping her recovery would be welcome. Once she heals then she can start looking for her forever home
  5. Psi is part of the "short tail club". He is a much happier pup and tho it was hard I glad I did it. Good luck and just make sure it is not bumped or licked for the first two weeks and it will be all smooth for you
  6. no advice but tons of prayers and well wishes
  7. I have tears in my eyes. What a wonderfull comeback
  8. poor girl hope you can figure it out...btw that is such a cute photo
  9. I totaly understand the not being able to adopt another. I wish you luck on finding a pup for playdates
  10. jamngrey


    run pain free at the bridge sweet boy. Tell your inlaws Im sorry for their loss
  11. jamngrey

    Gable Hoodootoo

    sorry your boy never made it to your couch and that you never got to have him at home
  12. sending hugs and hopefull time will heal all hurts
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