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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. Just wanted to say sorry you & your pup had such a hard time
  2. Neo works great but just watch it cause they LOVE to lick it.
  3. jamngrey


    sorry for your loss.Glad Scout had all the rest of your days living the wonderful life
  4. i am sitting here bawling. I never got to meet Wabi in person but reading about her made me feel like I did. My heart goes out to you and your dh. I will forever remember your wabi the dandilion lover
  5. yep ditto. I have grey who loves to be by me and one who (had since she was 22 monts old and is now 10) and she prefers to hang in the bedroom and rarely need me for anything Except food
  6. what a beautiful tribute to your boy. Im soory for your loss
  7. Keeping an eye on wabi's progress. Have no words of wisdom but wanted to add prayers
  8. I'm sorry as well prayers that you are able to create more memories
  9. Great news. Now fingers crossed the lab report will show it's an easy fix
  10. Greys are sensitive (WAY) to ace. I would do one of the above suggestions Good luck to you all
  11. i believe the sight says you only need it for the bad foot. Cassie only wears one on her rear left foot
  12. hopefully he will be fine and recover quickly
  13. yep Michele he just wanted you to know it was true... yep was ment to be I sure miss my boys.
  14. I found this photo of Psi and Snowman my bridge angels today... I sure miss them but I know they are running like the wind which they couldnt do here anymore. Funny how I found the one and only photo where they look like buds but for the most part they never laid near each other
  15. cant do much but send you and your baby hugs.
  16. run free baby girl..{Psi and Snowman are at the bridge so look them up. Michelle Im so sorry for your loss
  17. He walks him 3x a day.. Yep he is left with a Kong and his bully stick for chewing. Nitro HOWLS the whole time with few min of quiet every so often. This begins at 5:30 in the am. I am in contact with him to get him to stop the ace and go to xyanx. Thanks for all the advice... I realize that it takes a while and 2 weeks isnt even a drop in the bucket when dealing with SA doigs but we are trying to figure a way so he can stay in his new home... The owners biggest issue if for Nitros safety and wellbeing. He knows it cant be good for him to be so stressed.
  18. we had to amputat a fosters that would pop out at least once a day. She did fine it was a front the one next to the pinkie.
  19. Hi all got a question. My latest foster was adopted 2 weeks ago and he has MAJOR SA. His owner has him on ace due to his vets advice....I was wondering what all of you with SA dogs that are medicated are on? It would not be my choice but need more advice to before I approch him..He has done all the training (trust me) but Nitro Howls and tears things up even 3 slats out of the wood fence . Now he is crating and using the meds but Im not sure the ace it the way to go esp since greys are so sensative to it
  20. fyi when you need to cool a dog down get the pads of there feet, and belly wet with cold water and continue for a while. While water do dring is important it is more important to help them cool down by getting them wet it the areas stated. Glad your boy is ok
  21. sorry he is feeling poorly still. Hope he us a happy boy soon
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