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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. Im sorry this sweet boy had such a short time with you but I know they were the best times of his life
  2. I would try the sugestions he gave you. But if all elce fails it will be a hard decision but I know I would rather loose my hearing than be inthe kind of pain you boy is for the rest of his life. Hugs to you and your boy and will keep you in my prayers and hope the changes work
  3. stright down the hatch when its only one. but tif multipule pills use bread or hotdogs.
  4. great photos of him snoozing. I hope you are able to get in front of this. Poor Drake. I know my frends grey got bit by the brown recluse and lost a ton of skin. They got it to heal by using the "special Honey" He does have quite a scar that will never grow hair but it did finally heal.
  5. wishing him a sucessfull surgery and a quick recovery
  6. oh my. Im so sorry. run free sweet Jed
  7. sending prayers. I hope they are able to figure this out. But nomatter what Tattoo has know the love of people
  8. Im sorry your sweet boy is no longer with you in body. Im glad he will always be here for you in spirit
  9. jamngrey

    Rip Ears

    sweet little one you time here was short but at the bridge you will be strong
  10. no advice here but I wish you the best with your next appt. Hope all works out
  11. I have no ideas to throw your way but I do have a ton of prayers to send
  12. jamngrey

    My Aunt

    my deepest sympathays
  13. jamngrey


    run free sweet boy
  14. prayers for a full recovery and a forever home
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