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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. just want to send prayers and well wishes for a good prognosis
  2. my current foster had to have hers amputated. (same to as your pup but on right foot). It was a bit of a issue keeping it dry and her not licking or trying to nest (that ended up tearing sutures). It took about 6 weeks in all to completely heal and for her to walk on it. But she is a happy girl now. Good luck
  3. wow he has come a long way. kudo to you and your dh for all you have done to help him get over this
  4. glad to hear the pups are on the mend...now just poppy needs to come home
  5. great news prayers that all continues to be be positive
  6. I know joyce If you want to email me at jamngrey@aol.com I can forward it to her and she can get back to you. Wendy
  7. I have no answer for you but wanted to saw what cute pups you have
  8. So glad to hear it wasnt serious. I love the front/back of Ms Pudge
  9. Continued prayers that he will fully recover
  10. Im so sorry your babe had to leave so soon. I will keep you all in my prayers and thoughts during this tough time.
  11. continued prayers he keeps on the up hill swing of things
  12. hope in 2 weeks he is all better
  13. hum I dont know kind of reminds me of the chest black heads that are infected
  14. sending prayers that He will NOT the the first. I Just know with the love of his family he will be fine. I hope the reaciton to the 3rd shot is not too bad on him. Hugs to you all
  15. jamngrey


    what a tragedy hugs and prayers to your mom
  16. Thats the toe my foster had removed. Now that is all said and done and the healing is over It took about 2 weeks after the bandage and sutures were remove that she used the foot all the time (no limping on it) All is fine and she is still Heck on wheels. I would just add that if you do it make sure to keep it dry and NO LICKING. Guen did a number on hers and tore some of the sutures so she has a bit of a skin toe (thats what it looks like) where the webing is and should have healed together but she tore/licked it open.
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