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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Our candle is lit just in time for Laceys visit to the clinic Sending good thoughts for her and for Fred and for you Patti
  2. Ah crap But as you said Patti, she's a brave doggie and she's strong too so we'll be willing her along as she fights this battle.
  3. I'm only just seeing this now. I'm so sorry for all you are having to go through I'm sending all the best possible thoughts for Lacey Laine and for Fred and for you
  4. Bevd

    My Quinnie

    I'm really sorry Night night gorgeous Quinn
  5. I'm really very sorry to hear about your sudden loss of beautiful Zadie
  6. Sorry to hear about Maddie being unwell. Hopefully you'll be able to post some good news later.
  7. Hi We've had a couple of 'serious' episodes of a similar sounding thing with Sally (now thirteen and a half but the first episode was when she was twelve). During the last one (July) we really thought we were heading for The Decision but once again, she rallied. We also get lesser episodes which just last for a day or a few hours where she is not unable to use her legs but they are rather wobbly.
  8. Bevd

    My Milly

    Oh thats terrible I'm so sorry
  9. I'm really sorry Jeannine I'm sure that Weeny will have met up with many at the Bridge including some Doyle cats
  10. I'm just catching up! I'm so glad to hear that Scooter did well with the surgery and that he stood UP not long afterwards Fingers eyes and ears crossed here for good, benign results by the end of the week
  11. Awww, Mustard Hi and welcome by the way Judith!
  12. Bevd


    I'm really sorry to hear this awful news
  13. I'm so sorry to hear your awful news Night night Snickers
  14. Another vote for histiocytoma but as the others have said, best to get it looked at. Good luck at the vets and let us know how you get on
  15. As the others have said, it's a very tough question. I voted that I'd rather know, so that I had some time to 'prepare' myself. I know you can't really prepare and knowing it's going to happen doesn't lessen the pain of the actual event and the loss in any way at all but I think knowing that it's coming allows you the chance to maybe do the little things you've been meaning to do like take extra pics, maybe cut a lock of hair, go for trips to favourite places and give favourite foods (if thats practical) and it also gives the opportunity to decide what you want to happen 'afterwards' (burial, individual cremation etc). The ridiculous thing is, even with my totally healthy dogs (particularly my heart dog, Sprout) I know it's coming at some point and even the merest fleeting thought makes my eyes fill up and no amount of preparation as above will make the pain any less terrible when the day does come. I'm very sorry for your recent loss
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