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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Good luck at the vets Alan
  2. Bevd


    I can't believe its been four years either. Thinking of you
  3. He seems to be much more normal today
  4. I wish I'd logged in earlier so that I could have passed this message onto Sprout He's not been out for a walk or anything but he hates to miss what might be going on so he's been up and about a fair bit and I think that, combined with his pain meds wearing off has made him a bit flat tonight. He didn't join in at dinner time so I made him something a bit different (canned, prescription diet mixed with some of our dinner leftovers, as opposed to his normal dry kibble) and he did eat all of that. If he's still a bit flat tomorrow I'll call the vets...
  5. Bevd


    I'm very sorry to hear your sad news
  6. Very sorry for the delay! I've not had any internet connection till just now, from last night when I logged off Anyway, we collected Sprout this afternoon and he bounded (on three legs) up the stairs from the 'ward' area with me following behind on the end of his lead When we got to the car, I said to OH "can you lift him in" and before another word could be uttered, Sprout had launched himself into the back seat He's eaten his dinner and made good use of the garden and finally at about 9pm he went to sleep. I've taken some pics but I can't do anything with them till the computer has all its relevant programmes re-installed (tomorrow). Thanks again for all your good wishes. We may need valium for the humans as Sprout is supposed to be on lead only walks for the next 6-8 weeks! He goes back for a check up at the vets next week.
  7. We've been to visit him He was asleep when we first arrived so we went to look at a cockerel who'd had an op on his head : Then we went back to Sprouts 'ward' and he was awake, to a degree He needed to come out of his kennel anyway because he'd done a widdle in there so we had a bit of a tickle whilst the nurse changed his bedding Woe is The Sprout Woe isssssssss heeeeeeeeee Back in his kennel with a yellow duck (from home) He was in pretty good spirits actually, wagging his tail and looking around to see which other dogs were still in the top kennels. Just before we put him back in the kennel though, he went and stood at the door of the 'ward' to tell us he was ready to go home now thanks ( ) but as soon as he went back into his kennel, he was spark out and I suspect he'll stay that way for the night now. They'll offer him some food later and I've arranged to phone in the morning to arrange a time to collect him tomorrow afternoon
  8. Just phoned the vets and Sprout is apparently 'fine' now but I'm going to see him (not to check....or anything ) in about an hour, so I'll report back
  9. Or a nice 5 bottles of rescue remedy
  10. Thank goodness he's back to normal I do wonder about vets though, when they let dogs go home in a condition which is terrifying for the owners. Is it because they were closing at 6pm? Do they not have an overnight service?
  11. He's back from surgery but is still all wibbly and quivery under his blanket I have to call them at three (an hour and a quarter from now) to see what time we can go in and see him as he's staying in hospital tonight.
  12. We've just dropped Sprout off at the vets for him to have his cruciate operation : He's the only dog on the op list today so he should be having his op some time after about half ten this morning. I'm to phone at 3pm but I did ask that the staff call me and tell me as soon as he is out of surgery (because the chances of me containing myself till 3pm are precisely nil). He's 13 (and a half) but I'd be just as worried about him having an op if he was 3 so any good thoughts you have going spare would be appreciated for The Sprout
  13. Bevd


    I'm very sorry Sleep tight Katie-bug
  14. I'm so sorry Stephanie Whistler was one of the first dogs I got to 'know' when I arrived here in GreyTalkLand.
  15. Bevd

    Cassie Jo

    I'm very sorry
  16. Sending all good thoughts for lovely Whistler
  17. (I posted this earlier but then it went to an error message and I forgot to check it had appeared when I came back later) Well Sprout berdoinged around in the vets waiting room, batted his eyes at anyone who looked his way, sat on the furniture ( ) and was generally giddy. Then he was called into the consulting room and he suddenly wasn't quite as keen The vet watched as Sprout examined every inch of the room (good opportunity for the vet to see how the leg was working) and then examined him. Sprout made a squeak and I said "owwwww" ( ) After looking at the x-rays from a couple of weeks ago, it's been decided that Sprouty will have his op on Wedneday of next week. And he'll be home on Thursday. So that means he'll be staying overnight at the vets on Wednesday
  18. Sooooo, a week on and Sprout is limping once again It's not a terrible limp but its still a limp so we're off to see the vet at 4.15pm to reassess the situation.
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