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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. DeVon - words can't begin to tell you how sorry I am Skittle. You were one in a million. No - scrap that - you were one in a billion. We will never forget you Play nicely with Lori Ann whilst you wait to meet your loved ones again.
  2. I'm so glad that the surgery went well and that Beau should be home with you tomorrow
  3. I was directed back here by another GT friend on MSN to catch up on this devastating news. I can't even begin to tell you how sad I am - for all of you I can't think of what to say but just know that we are all thinking of you
  4. Oh good boy Cody Angelo Welcome home fuzzy boy!
  5. Oh poorly little Skittle Please start to get better soon
  6. Come on little Fuzzy Man - get better soon and come home, where you belong
  7. I've missed so much in the few days I've not been around on GT. I'm so sorry to read that our favourite Fruitbat is poorly Thinking of you all and sending good wishes
  8. Wallace had his inside toe (like the thumb..or first finger) of his front left foot removed a few months ago after a deep nail bed infection. He recovered very quickly and without any problem and he doesn't miss that toe at all.
  9. The vets phoned today with the results of the joint fluid thingy they sent off last Friday and it shows what it was expected to show (nothing terrible, degenerative type thingy consistent with cruciate damage blah blah). I told the vet that Sprout has been really problem free over the past few days, even after he went for an off lead run on Tuesday so at the present time, no operation is necessary If and when he starts to limp again (which he's most likely to do at some point) then the vet will re-evaluate the situation and decide whether to do an op at that point. But for the time being, The Sprout is off the hook Thank you all for your good thoughts - they've done an amazing job!
  10. Thanks for finding that thread Lisa Sprout is doing fine at the moment and is hardly limping at all but thats probably because he's not been able to go for his walks. If he went out and ran around, I'm sure he'd be having real problems again so its better for us to wait a few days and see what happens once the test results come back from the joint fluid (ewwww, joint fluid)
  11. The Sprout is Home He needed to be poked to get out of his nice warm bed at the vets (apparently most of the dogs kick the blanket off when they've had enough and move around a bit but Sprout was quite happy to continue with his nap). He stood up all the way home (rocking slightly) and at one point went to sleep standing up Back at home he went out for a garden visit and is now snoozing but he is the worlds most nosey dog so if he thinks something interesting is happening (like a cupboard is being opened or some washing is being brought in, he has to get up and come for a look). Garden visit Mokka thinks Sprout smells yack Tetley is slightly concerned by the quiet version of The Sprout Snoozy a bit Snoozy a lot (for the time being) Thanks for all your good wishes for Sprout (and me) The vet sent off a sample of joint fluid so we're waiting for the results of that before we discuss what op will take place and when.
  12. We're going to collect him and find out what his x-rays say in about an hour
  13. OH has taken Sprout to the vets to drop him off for his x rays. (Time frame - it's now 8.30am and I think I will be able to phone at 3pm)
  14. Bevd


    I'm very sorry
  15. I'm very sorry Night night Richard
  16. (an operation....on The Sprout) So, going back a short time (a couple of months or so), Sprout started to limp a bit on one of his hind legs if he'd overdone it when out on walkies. It started off by just being a bit of a limp which would go away after a few hours rest. Then it prorgressed to a bit of a limp (again, only if he'd over done the rushing around with a ball in his gob on the fields) and it would last till the following day on occassion, so I'd give him some Metacam or Rimadyl and he was fine again for a while. But today, he was actually holding his hind right leggie up off the floor (whilst rushing around at high speed with a toy in his mouth) so today was the day he went off to see the vet. It transpires that most of Sprouts lameness is due to wear and tear and general normal stuff, with him being a more senior dog and all that but this acute problem has been caused by Sprout doing his cruciate ligament in We discussed a couple of different surgical options (as to leave the leg without surgery would but the leg at risk of breaking ) and we opted against the TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) surgery and for the....other, lesser surgery that I can't actually remember the name of but I'll find out and add it at a later point. So, on Friday of this week, Sprouty will go in for x-rays (and special x-rays will be done, just in case the TPLO surgery does actually turn out to be necessary, rather than the less radical op) and then the operation itself will take place some time next week - probably Wednesday but believe me, I shall let you know I am not even going to start bleating about how this is The Sprout and how I'm not at all best pleased at the thought of him having anything at all wrong with any part of him and how I may not be very happy on the day he has to have aneasthetics and...all that... Here's my heart dog He may be thirteen and a half but he still loves to run and run and run and to play and play and play Your good thoughts for Sprout would be most welcome
  17. I'm so late seeing this I'm very sorry to hear of Sky's passing The phrase I like (and I have engraved as part of the little brass plate on the front/top of my dogs cremation caskets) is "Just This Side of Heaven" because it's the first line of the Rainbow Bridge story and it seems very fitting.
  18. I think it has to be x-rays and then hopefully, a simple fix thereafter
  19. I can't believe its a year! We miss you gorgeous Nellie
  20. A sad day indeed. Condolences to Donnie's people.
  21. How excitingggggggg It's really tickling me that you don't know if you're having a boy or a girl because its sounding more and more like waiting for a human baby to be born
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