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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. I'm pleased to report that Sally seems to be back to her 'pre poorly' self She did have a bit of a floppy leg incident this morning but no more so than 'normal' and she's gone back to being cheeky and quite loud, so we know she's feeling better
  2. Lori - you *know* I know you were joking you **** ****** (as I just called you on MSN)
  3. I don't know Lori? Do you think I really do need to take her to the vets? Oh talking of which, I must go and update Sprout's hydrotherapy thread in OT - but prepare youselves because it's most ridiculous...
  4. Hello again This is the video clip I took last night, before I went to bed CLICK TO SEE SALLY (it's not the greatest video clip as far as video clips go, but its a very good clip because it shows that old greyhound girls like to terrify people and then, at the eleveth hour, get better) And then, these pics from this afternoon Ooooh, what a nice day for a trundle outside Go away, brat-with-a-ball Oh no, here comes Dumber, to see Dumb Have they gone away yet? I'm not looking at them. Doesn't matter anyway because now, I can do THIS Thank you all for your good thoughts for Sally Once again, they seemed to have worked and for today, we have the reprieve we were hoping for
  5. I've had a lie in this morning However, this is the run-down from DH. So far this morning, Sally has done the following:- got on and off the couch a couple of times without landing in any sort of heap done a poo on the rug by the back door barked decided that she didn't fancy her normal breakfast but would eat Bakers Meaty Chunks (emergency food purchased for her yesterday in case she, quite predictably, went off her normal food) So, thats all good. Oh and last night, after I posted before bed, she went out for a wee, came back in, with DH wandering behind in case of leg troubles, got to the settee, stopped, looked at DH (still following behind) and turned and high tailed it off in the other direction....so it seems that her sense of humour is returning I took a bit of video of her getting on the couch after that and then a few minutes later, she was roaching for the first time in a week or so As things stand at the moment then, we're starting to feel that we *might* be getting yet another reprieve...
  6. *whispering* I think she might be a tiny bit stronger in the leg region tonight... I'm off to bed now but will let you know how she's doing in the morning...
  7. Hi all. Well, she's managed to get off the sofa a couple of times when we've told her she needs to go out for a wee and on both occassions, she's got herself back up there too (but we think that even with wonky legs, jumping up there is preferable to being put up there by Marc, according to Lady Sally) Nothing else to report really (other than the fact that she's still got a decent appetite, particularly for treats)
  8. Morning all. I wish I could report some improvements this morning but there aren't any. She got herself off the couch earlier by putting her front feet on the floor, but then the rest of her followed in a sliding motion and she ended up in a heap. She's happy to lay on the couch and she's happy to be hand fed some human food or some soft dog treats but thats not really enough is it? So I'm sort of preparing myself for a bumpy ride over the next couple of days, if no improvement takes place. *shudder*
  9. She's had a bit of dinner but not much (I added half a tin of wet food as well as her normal soaked kibble to tempt her). Those back legs are very very weak so we're not out of the woods yet I don't think.
  10. And breeeeeeeeathe After a bit of coaxing, she jumped (ish) off the settee and walked out to the garden for a wee Then she came back in and screamed merry hell when Marc tried to help her (manhandle her as she sees it) back onto the settee so she jumped on herself (that was a bit of a heart-stopper, I can tell you). So. Her leglets are coming back They're weak and wibbly but they are coming back And now, more resting, on some fresh bedding Erm. Can someone remind me why I like to adopt these old dogs?
  11. Still snoozing with no signs of wanting to go out to the loo or anything as yet... Then Mokka got on there with her
  12. Just spoken to the vet and we're going to see how she goes over the next day or two and hopefully, she'll rally round, as she's done in the past. Obviously, if things get any worse or if we're worried in any way, we'll get back in touch with the vet who is available 24/7.
  13. Thanks for your good wishes everyone The problem we have with Sally is that she really doesn't like to be 'fiddled with' in any way She's not a good patient at all, either at home or at the vets. I'm sure that some of you will remember that when she had to have the surgery on her toe nails, it took over an hour and a half for the nurse just to be able to remove the four bandages and dressings from her four feet, the week after the surgery Our vet is on holiday at the moment (our animals always do something odd when there's a locum vet on!) so I've phoned to let them know what the situation is and to give them a heads-up in case we do need to go in later. The locum vet is operating at the moment but I've arranged for her to give me a call when she's free so that I can just have a chat with her. It transpires that this locum has a 2 year old Deerhound, so thats a good start! One thing I didn't say in my original post was that Sally lost control of her bowels during one of her leggie incidents this morning. She wasn't pleased about that. It doesn't bother us (we're plenty used to Sally toileting indoor issues ) but I know she didn't like that today.
  14. Sally is poorly today Her back legs aren't behaving themselves and she's in a bit of a pickle. Around this time last year, she had a similar sort of incident and at the time, she'd recently celebrated her 12th birthday. We didn't think there was going to be a good outcome but thankfully, there was. This time, she's a full one year older and she's most certainly weaker so as I type, I'm very unsure of what this outcome will be. She's had a big dose of Rimadyl and we're just waiting a while to see what happens next. She's not good with veterinary treatment/visits so I don't want to go in with her unless we have to. I am going to phone them though, to give them a heads-up, just in case.
  15. Glad she's done well so far Fingers still crossed that she eats OK and is able to come home
  16. I also used a syringe with Maddison - he had yoghurt in his. Thinking of you Edited for typo
  17. Bevd


    I'm very sorry Vince Sleep tight Lady
  18. Sprouty went to see the vet this afternoon for his check up and the vet was pleased with him (Sprout was also pleased with the vet who fed him some liver treats). Because we had the surgery done in the early stages of the problems with his cruciate, he's allowed to do more than he would have been if he'd had the surgery once the cruciate had snapped (ewww). So although Sprout does still have to have lead only walks (boo hiss), he's going to also have hydrotherapy (snigger) to see how he likes it ( ) because no harm can be done and it can only help to get back some strength and muscle tone. Pet Plan will cover the hydrotherapy (yayyy) which costs £25 per 'medical swim' and they normally have a course of 10 sessions (although Sprouty may only have six or eight, depending on whats necessary). I've booked the first available session which is Thursday 28th June. I shall be taking the camera
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