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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. A canine tooth abscess will also cause this because their roots are very long and very close to the sinuses. And you may not see an abscess inside the mouth. But I would definitely be agressive in finding the cause because there are some nasty things it could be.
  2. Try eggnog or Ensure for weight gain to keep his weight up. He might really go for eggnog. My girls love it. Start easy as it is rich.
  3. Sniff.....I've got two on that list. it's too dang long. 2009 was the last year I didn't have someone on the list.
  4. I lost 3 of the original 4 pack in the last 2-3 yrs (all within a year starting Feb 2010). It has taken Opal almost the whole time to finally come back to her silly self. She is currently 8. It wasn't super noticeable as it occured, but recently I noticed her being more silly than usual, and thought that this is what she used to be like when I had Onyx, Pearl and Diamond. So, they can grieve for a very long time.
  5. Penny sounded like someone very very special.
  6. Kathy I'm so very sorry you lost Rex, and it especially sucks being Christmas Eve. (the first two I lost were around the holidays).
  7. I want to give him a greyt big wet kiss on that kissy spot on top of his head!
  8. Judy, I'm so sorry. I really wished she'd have made her BD. I've lost too many just days before their BD, or Christmas....with toys and treats already ordered. It's painful when the packages arrive after they're gone. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
  9. Next time he wakes up at 3, give him a snack and see if he goes back to sleep immediately or still is up and about for a while.
  10. Wow, that's a long time for a tail to heal! But I'm glad it's almost there. But at least he won't knock off Christmas tree ornaments or delicate knick-knacks off the coffee table now. (like mine have just done).
  11. Sharon, I just had to pipe in. I chose amputation. I drove out to OSU from NJ, 9 hrs, stayed with a wonderful wonderful greyhound person, who charged me no money (I brought food), stayed with me at OSU during the surgery and pretty much handled all the difficult stuff while I was worrying over my Diamond. JoeJoesMom is who helped me. She has a lot of connections at OSU. But, the most important piece of this is............my Diamond was 12 yrs old! I specifically went out there because they do see so many greys and I wanted their opinion on if she could handle being a tripod. Her age weighed heavily on my mind, but she acted 7. They agreed that age is just a number. She was strong enough for a front leg amp. She lived 6 months pain free until unfortunately OS hit another leg. She never got lung mets. And she was happy. Very happy. I would do it again. So please, look at Baxter's overall health, not his age. Good luck. And remember, whatever choice you make is out of love for Baxter. It's never the wrong choice.
  12. 13 yrs ago I lost my first greyhound. Not the first one I adopted. The first one that went to the Bridge. Topaz was only five. And she left a legacy that still lives today. I adopted all my girls since, except for Emerald, as a direct result of losing her so young. Onyx because of her name and she smiled. Pearl because of her color. Diamond because she was Pearl's sister Opal, Jade, Crystal and Tanzanite all because of their color. All white and black, goofy girls, like Topaz. Even after all this time, I still miss your baby.
  13. I thought she beat this. I am in shock. I'm so sorry.
  14. It took me a while to post about my heart and soul girl Pearl when I lost her 3 yrs ago. I know how it feels.
  15. happy birthday to rooooo Happy birthday to ROOOOoooooo Happy Birthday dear Star Happy Birthday to rooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Onyx, Pearl, Diamond and Crystal. (with Brindle orchastrating)
  16. Doesn't seem that long ago to me either. {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}
  17. I want to add that if you're struggling with cost, Care Credit gives you between 6 months and a yr of interest free payments. There is a steep catch though. If you don't pay off by the end of the time period, they charge back interest and theirs is very high. But at that point you can always move the balance to another account with no interest or a free interest promotion. I've used Care Credit a LOT. For the dentist I had a whole year to pay off $3000. For the emergency room and surgery on Opal I had 6 month to pay off $4000. I transferred that balance to a year free promotion with my current credit card. I hope this helps.
  18. have you tried Linens n Things or Bed Bath and Beyond? I got huge potty pads when my older girls were having accidents in my bed. They are pretty much twin bed size and washable. Plastic on one side, cloth on the other. I still use them for lots of stuff long after my old girls have left.
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