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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. UPDATE! She was given a reprieve. The vet took one look at her and said she's not ready yet. She can sit up on her own. Her appetite is very good (even for her). She has control of her bowels and bladder. We stood her up in the back of the SUV and when we place her hind feet where they should be she stood. It wasn't long and she swayed, but still stood solo. Mark (vet) said she is definitely worth giving a try, so gave her a shot of dexamethazone, then sent us home with meds. I didn't look at the bottle, but I'm sure it's pred. Five days she gets it twice a day, 5 days once a day, then every other day. Definitely a steroid. So, I drove home with my little old lady still demanding and still the Diva that she is. By the way, for people who need a sling and do not have a chance to go to the store or make one, here's an idea I got on the fly today since the towel was so difficult to handle. If you have the large and not too stiff canvas bags, roll them up but have the handles hang out either side. Voila. Instant padded sling with handles.
  2. This winter's ice may claim another soul. I got home last night and found that Onyx could not use her back legs. I used a towel sling to support her to go out to do her business. Previously when her back end got really bad from falling on the ice Rimadyl fixed it. It hasn't this time. So we're going to the vets at noon. I'm hoping that prednizone might be what she needs. Or the vet might say "it's time". She just snarfed down a big breakfast, her ears are up and eyes are bright. She's not ready to go. And damn if I'm going to lose my third in a year year to a effin sheet of ice.
  3. Oh Kari, you and Sparks fought so hard. No matter how many other dogs you have, there was always that spot that belonged to your Bridge kid. And everytime you look at it, the house will seem so empty.
  4. For Callie - I just wanted to let you know that Diamond had an infection post amp. We started one antibiotic and it wasn't working, there was an open area and it was swabbed. the result came back and we did have to change to another antibiotic. She cleared up very quickly after that. For Lucy....Diamond was very upset the first day. Totally confused as to what happened to her leg. She was anxious for 2 weeks while on the pain meds. Once she was off meds, she was almost back to normal. It only took a day before she realized she was without a leg. So they do bounce back quickly. Those first two weeks are very rough, but it is so worth it when you see them motoring around with a smile on their face even though they have only 3 legs.
  5. Yes. I spoke with Dr. Couto for both Pearl and Diamond. I ended up doing the 10 hr trip out there from NJ for both of them.
  6. Farewell Master yet not farewell. Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept. God Speed Precious.
  7. What I did for my old girl was take an old memory foam topper that I bought from Linen N Things or Bed Bath and Beyond several years ago for me (it was an inch thick) and I cut that up and put that in an empty bed cover. Works fine and it wasn't $200. I think it was $75 or something like that. Quite a bit cheaper than the actual beds.
  8. What a horrible tragedy. I'm so sorry that you lost your Cake. I see her in your siggy, she was a beautiful girl. Please don't blame yourself.
  9. I'll keep Precious in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. That's right, Indy left the same day. And I know what you mean about writing in Remembrance. It took days last year before I could post. to you as you remember your special boy. I'd love to see a pix of him.
  11. I remember her as if I just read about some of her antics yesterday. She was way too young to pass to the Bridge. But her leagacy will last a long long time.
  12. I thought losing two within 2 months was rough, I can't imagine within days. Maybe the lose of Larry pushed Trip past the point of having the pain meds work. I can't tell you I know the pain of losing 2 so close together, but I can tell you, I know the pain of losing. Hugs to you and I hope you can get past this awful time and start to feel better soon.
  13. My heart sank when I first saw your post in H&M and hoped so dearly it was 'just' a break. When the diagnosis comes in that our babies have OS or another nasty cancer, it's akin to getting punched in the gut. But then we go out, adopt another knowing sooner or later the same thing is going to happen again, even if they just go in their sleep from old age.
  14. MP_the4pack


    Wilbur was one of GT's special boys, and Larry was with you way too short.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear about Jersey. The same thing happened to my first girl Brindle. With me in the morning, no signs of anything. Gone that night. Hemangiosarcoma.
  16. MP_the4pack


    I still miss her SO much. Pearl 10/24/97 - 02/05/10
  17. MP_the4pack


    She was very cute. I'm so sorry she's gone. But it sounds like she had a terrific life and that you loved her very much.
  18. Hi Kari.....I'm thinking about you and Sparks. My Diamond who looks so much like your Diamond (but was a girl) had OS.
  19. Aw Cwap. I found it hard enought to have just one with OS, but TWO. Unfathomable.
  20. MP_the4pack


    I'm so sorry Brucie is gone. I think I remember reading about your horrid fire years ago. It's hard to hide greyhound news. It's almost unbearable to lose a heart hound. I still cry over my Pearl, her 1st year anniversary is this saturday. I hope time helps to heal your heart.
  21. I was hoping you would have had more time.
  22. If you do decide to go the amp route, I just want to let you know I did it to my Diamond 3 weeks before her 12th BD. It took about 2 weeks to get over the worst of it. I did build a ramp for her (it was a front leg) so she could get in and out of my house. OS showed up in another leg 6 mnoths later. But it was a very good 6 months.
  23. Even though he is white/brindle, he reminds me so much of my very beloved Pearl (white/black), even with the silly stand up ear. Pearl had hypertension and went to see Dr. COuto. He said that many greyhounds have idiopathic hypertension. (no known cause). So, he could have more than one problem. Pearl did very well on her BP meds in case he needs to go on them. Just check his BP regularly. Good luck.
  24. He would have been 7. That's way too young. Happy Birthday Dex.
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