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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Welcome! You're just a hop skip and jump away from me. I'm in Ringoes (southern Hunterdon county) I currently have 3 girls (but I have 5 at the Bridge) I've got an acre fenced if you ever want to bring Bruce over for a fun run.
  2. Happy birthday Joe. I hope it's a good one. You should be enjoying the people food a lot, your mom's a good cook. Hugs to you Jane.
  3. While nothing as severe as this, my girl was mis-diagnosed with myocitis and put on steroids. Worse thing for a hypertensive dog. It turned out to be simply an abscessed tooth. So a second opinion can't hurt. Not if it's terminal.
  4. Valerie, I'm so sorry that Gabe lost his battle. After every loss I had (5 now) I kept saying "no more dogs. My heart just can't handle it." Yet......here I have three.
  5. One thing to look for is an abscessed tooth. Especially the tiny ones way in the back. Pearl had one and her eating became more and more difficult. She was originally misdiagnosed with myocitis but then a doctor found the abscessed tooth. No lump or any other indication other than extremely painful. It was the tiny one way in the back on the top.
  6. Hugs to you and Mac. I hope you get a second opinion. Many times we have seen opposite diagnoses here, and some for the better. Since you're so close to OSU, I would highly recommend going there. Dr. Couto is a greyhound guru (oncologist). I wish you the best of luck.
  7. Thanks Tracy. Is she going to keep in touch with you? We'll be looking for updates. I too drove to OSU from NJ (twice) for cancer.
  8. She was beautiful! I started tearing up when you said she was a smiley girl. I just love the smilers. Five of my 9 smiled, but they're all gone now and I miss that so very much. At least she's reunited with her original Momma.
  9. It took my Mom 6 months to get to about 90% after her stroke (she's 88 yesterday) It took at least a couple months to be able to walk and use her left hand. Give Di some time. You can get pretty far back to normal if you have patience and can do physical therapy.
  10. Aw, he was still just a baby. RIP Manny.
  11. MP_the4pack


    Ryan, I am so sorry that Dino has gone to the Bridge. Everytime I lost one (5 times now) I would say, "No more greys. It hurts too much when they leave" I end up adopting more.
  12. My sisters came in black plastic trash bags. I've since switched to a crematorium for pets. Now they all rest in beautiful wooden boxes.
  13. My Diamond had an infection of the incision site. She was put on a general antibiotic while we waited for the culture to come back. It came back pseudomonas, which was resistant to the antibiotic she was on. We switched antibiotics and she recovered quickly after that. Her chemo was held off for 2 weeks while the infection healed. She was never bad enough to stay at the hospital.
  14. Oh please keep us updated on what's wrong! prayers for Powder
  15. Even though he was 14, it's still never easy to lose them. I'm sorry his time had come. RIP Brother Barnett
  16. In just the past 3 days we've lost 5 of our beloved furkids. It's just too hard to handle. My heart goes out to everyone.
  17. Oh Diane, I'm so sorry. Eight is too young. I wish there was more I could say or do to help you through this.
  18. I never posted to this thread last year. I lost my Onyx one day after you lost your Guinness. Very sad anniversaries.
  19. Oh Kathryn, I went to the H&M thread first and was devastated with the news. I was so hoping that he would improve over the weekend. My 15.5 yr old Onyx probably had the same thing last year as I let her go to the Bridge too. Sidney was a very handsome boy.
  20. No matter how long or short of time period these guys spend with us, no matter how long or short their life span, it's never easy to say goodbye. He sounds like he was a very very special boy.
  21. Oh Hilda, I'm so sorry Pipi-Francine has left. She was a gorgeous girl.
  22. I'm so sorry your handsome snugglebug had to leave.
  23. MP_the4pack


    She was a beautiful girl. I love the black houndies. She looked like she had a lot of personality and sass. I'm sorry her time had come.
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